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166 results filtered with: Wounds and injuries
  • Lazarus prays as his sores are licked by dogs; Dives feasts on his balcony. Engraving.
  • Larevellière-Lépeaux sits in a disordered quack doctor's room, in the presence of seven wounded French generals, one of them vomiting; representing French defeats in 1799 and Bonaparte's failed imperial ambitions in the east. Coloured etching by J. Gillray, 1799.
  • A frail and wounded soldier being saved from death by the care of his young wife. Etching by B. Roger after L. Sicard.
  • Queen Victoria and Prince Albert visiting soldiers wounded in the Crimean War, at Brompton Hospital, Chatham. Coloured lithograph by J.A. Vinter, 1855, after J. Tenniel.
  • Officers recuperating on board the "Hercules", Hong Kong. Wood engraving after G.W. Cooke (?), 1858.
  • German soldiers in World War II representing germs invading a wound, British soldiers representing white corpuscles resisting and capturing them. Colour lithograph after P. Mendoza, 1943.
  • A wounded soldier having his foot dressed by a nun, while her assistant holds a bowl of water. Coloured lithograph by C. de Lasteyrie after J.H. Marlet, 1817.
  • A wounded soldier is found by a rescue dog who alerts the nurse and ambulancemen of their whereabouts. Coloured chromolithograph by E.A. Holloway, 1904.
  • A wounded soldier is helped on the ground by a medical officer under instruction from a mounted army doctor. Coloured lithograph by C. F. Schindler, c. 1900.
  • The death of Sir Philip Sidney at the battle of Zutphen: he passes a water-flask to a fellow soldier. Mezzotint by J. Jones after G. Carter, 1782.
  • A bird's beak cuts a woman's hand; representing the sense of touch and the fact that it persists longer (in pain) than the other senses. Engraving, 16--.
  • Crimean War: arrival of wounded at Kalafat from Citate. Wood engraving.
  • A surgical operation to remove a malignant tumour from a man's left breast and armpit in a Dublin drawing room, 1817. Watercolour, ca 1913, after a watercolour, 1817.
  • Christ appearing to the apostle Thomas, who touches his stigmata. Engraving by C. van Dalen after W-P. Crabeth.
  • A man is violently rubbed with magnets. Coloured lithograph by C. Jacque, c. 1843.
  • French Military Hospital at Marienburg. Etching by F. Schroerder, 1807, after Loeilott after A. Roehn.
  • A surgical operation to remove a malignant tumour from a man's left breast and armpit in a Dublin drawing room, 1817. Watercolour, ca 1913, after a watercolour, 1817.
  • Sick and wounded boarding the steamer "Canton", China. Wood engraving, 1858.
  • Saint Thomas, holding a book, touches Christ's lacerated side. Stipple engraving by E. Scriven after L. Eusebi after A. van der Werff.
  • The crucifixion of Christ; his side is punctured by a soldier's lance. Engraving by B. à Bolswert after P.P. Rubens.
  • Treating the wounded after a battle. Tinted mezzotint by J.C. Rugendas, 17--, after G.P. Rugendas the elder, 1695.
  • Crimean War: Sisters of Charity nursing wounded soldiers from the Battle of Inkerman. Coloured lithograph by Le Par (?), 1855.
  • Christ appearing to the apostle Thomas, who touches his stigmata. Engraving by A. Rordorf, 1850, after J.F. Overbeck.
  • Russo-Turkish War: wounded and sick being taken to Cernavodă, Romania. Wood engraving, 1877.
  • Wound man showing all the weapons and points of injury. Woodcut.
  • A frail and wounded soldier being saved from death by the care of his young wife. Etching by B. Roger after L. Sicard.
  • A wounded soldier retiring from battle. Etching by R. Blyth, 1779, after J.H. Mortimer.
  • Convent of Great St. Bernard, Switzerland/Italy: a rescue dog finding a wounded traveller. Coloured lithograph by A. Cuvillier.
  • Franco-Prussian War: Jean-Eugène Brasseur, commander of the French soldiers at Le Bourget who had resisted the Prussian attack, being removed from the church of Saint-Nicolas after the Prussian victory. Photogravure by Goupil & Co., 1879, after A. de Neuville.
  • Two surgeons treating the same patient, one is removing an arrow from his chest whilst the other is boring a hole into the patient's knee accompanied by two assistants and an onlooker. Pen drawing by ZS.