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2,116 results filtered with: Caricatures
  • A boy dressed in checked trousers and a top hat is leaning against a lamp post as a policeman speaks to him. Coloured lithograph after J.V. Barret, ca 1860.
  • A doctor pumps the stomach of his obese seated patient while another couple wait, one who has already undergone reduction examines his deflated countenance in a mirror. Coloured etching by H. Heath, 1827.
  • Ferdinand Sauerbruch addressing a class in the new lecture hall: the University Surgical Clinic of the Charité Hospital, Berlin. Process print after M. Koser, ca. 1935.
  • The distillery of Deacon Giles seen as the work of the Devil. Coloured wood-engraving after G. B. Cheever, ca. 1835.
  • Two Russian valets are tightening ties around a young officer's waist as a third man brings a uniform for him to wear. Coloured etching, 1815.
  • Mathias Duval. Process print after J. Veber.
  • Charles Wood sits in a swing pushed by Lord Howick between the trunks of two trees inscribed "Whig radicalism" and "Conservatism". Coloured lithograph by H.B. (John Doyle), 1840.
  • An unnamed character with a grotesque face. Line engraving attributed to D. Custos.
  • A doctor pumps the stomach of his obese seated patient while another couple wait, one who has already undergone reduction examines his deflated countenance in a mirror. Coloured etching by J.P.M. Jazet after H. Heath.
  • Effects of medical treatments. Coloured lithographs, ca. 1850.
  • A young man, in the presence of his father, is examined by an academic for admission to university. Etching by J. Williams, 1772, after H.W. Bunbury.
  • Phrenological head of Lord Ellenborough as Governor General of India 1841-1844. Lithograph, ca. 1844.
  • A physician examining an elderly patient in his surgery. Wood engraving by Gunning King, 1906.
  • An old man with a walking stick is holding a bird with a long beak on a lead. Etching by E. Bradley after G.L. Johnston.
  • An obese physician pleased with the progress of his emaciated terminally ill patient. Coloured etching by T. Rowlandson, 1813?, after R. Newton.
  • H.H. Asquith (right) asks Arthur Balfour (centre) whether he has sent out invitations to colonial leaders; Balfour replies that he has not, but Richard Seddon, Prime Minister of New Zealand, enters from the left to claim his invitation. Drawing by David Wilson, 1905.
  • Doctor Syntax attending a scientific demonstration at the Royal Institution, London. Coloured aquatint by T. Rowlandson after W. Combe.
  • A large bull with the head of Sir Robert Peel gazes angrily at a dog with the head of Lord Melbourne in a manger, regarded by John Bull holding a pitch fork. Coloured lithograph by H.B. (John Doyle), 1841.
  • Evolution of household articles, animals etc. according to Darwin's doctrine. Colour lithographs by Fr. Schmidt, ca. 187-(?).
  • A man pulling a peculiar face as he is about to take some medicine. Coloured etching by I. Cruikshank, 1801, after J. Gillray.
  • A cardinal singing a lullaby to a lion; representing an attempt by France to maintain the neutrality of the Netherlands in the War of Jenkins' Ear. Engraving after Bernetto, 1740.
  • A prostitute leading an old man into the bedroom and taking money from him; implying that her services will act like a tonic and preserve his state of health. Coloured etching, 18--, after T. Rowlandson, 1811.
  • A shaving machine powered by steam. Coloured etching by R. Seymour.
  • Women attending the theatre in Buenos Aires are wearing very large, ornate head dresses, which makes it very difficult for men to talk to them. Lithograph by C.H. Bacle, 1834.
  • Henry Brougham is praised by black ex-slaves for his part in their liberation, but criticized by children factory employees, on whom he turns his back. Lithograph by H.H. (Henry Heath).
  • A woman roller-skating has springs attached to her front and back for protection as all others are falling over on the ice. Wood engraving, 18--.
  • Two naked witches riding on a broomstick accompanied by an owl. Etching by F. Goya, 1796/1798.
  • William Hunter (1718-1783) in his museum in Windmill Street on the day of resurrection, surrounded by skeletons and bodies, some of whom are searching for their missing parts. Engraving, 1782.
  • A man standing by a fire place, pulling a peculiar face after taking some medicine. Coloured etching by J. Gillray, 1800.
  • A young man in caricature, the features of his face bunched up into a small area. Engraving by B. Bossi, 1776, after himself.