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3,026 results filtered with: AIDS (Disease)
  • A heterosexual couple, a gay couple, and a lesbian couple with a latex glove, condom and lubricant representing an advertisement for safe sex by the Gay Men's Health Crisis. Colour lithograph by Charlie Pizzarello, 1993.
  • Two women tending to a man sick with AIDS surrounded by 4 men in a rural setting within a brown and mustard lined decorative border; an AIDS prevention advertisement by NGO-AIDS Cell, Centre for Community Medicine, AIIMS. Colour lithograph by S. Ghosh for Unesco/Aidthi Workshop, March 1995.
  • A man in a white bathrobe sits against the legs of a man dressed in a jacket and shirt with the head of a roaring lion to the left and the message to 'Live wild. Safe sex'; advertising the AIDS Information Line in Amsterdam. Colour lithograph by Hans Verschuuren for the Stuurgroep AIDSpreventie Homo's, 1991.
  • Ways in which you cannot catch the HIV virus from hugging to telephones; one of a series of fact sheets about AIDS and HIV. Colour lithograph.
  • Men and women from all walks of life including a man in army camouflage uniform, a nurse, a businessman wearing a suit and briefcase and a painter; an advertisement for the Tanzania AIDS Project by USAID and AIDSCap. Colour lithograph, ca. 1996.
  • An information sheet about an anti-AIDS poster exhibition designed and produced by Artis as part of a collaboration with the Unesco/WHO AIDS prevention education programme; with explanation about the contamination risks of HIV infected women to their children through pregnancy and childbirth. Colour lithograph, ca. 1990's.
  • Services provided by AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt. Colour lithograph, 199-.
  • Services of Birmingham Body Positive to people with AIDS. Colour lithograph.
  • The AIDS red ribbon with a list of AIDS helplines available in Germany; an advertisement by Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. Colour lithograph by Lucy Rüttgers.
  • Two hands opening the shirt of a woman to reveal the words 'I've got AIDS' on her chest in Chinese; a warning about the dangers of casual sex and AIDS by the Training and Health Education Department, Ministry of Health in Singapore. Colour lithograph, 1993.
  • A T-cell infected with HIV within a poster by the New Scientist describing the science of AIDS. Colour lithograph.
  • A message in German purple lettering that drug problems must not be ignored but dealt with; one of a series of posters from a 'Stop AIDS' campaign by the AIDS-Hilfe Schweiz in collaboration with the Office of Federal Health. Colour lithograph.
  • A man and woman with their arms around each other as they lean against a wall with a condom representing an advertisement for safer sex 'dress code' for the '90's; Recto: English version; advertisement by the Canadian Public Health Association. Colour lithograph.
  • A mirror image of a man wearing a denim shirt and a message in Italian about how he was not faithful to his ex but he is to the condom; one of a series of safe sex posters from a 'Stop AIDS' campaign by Aiuto AIDS Svizzero in collaboration with the Federal Office of Public Health. Colour lithograph.
  • An older couple sit with their son to advertise the support provided by the London Lighthouse centre for those affected by HIV and AIDS. Lithograph.
  • A naked man lying submerged in sand on a beach; representing an advertisement for safe sex by the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. Colour lithograph, 199-, after Michael Rock, 1986.
  • A white telephone advertising AIDS counselling services offered by health authorities and voluntary organizations; with the message "AIDS does not come from flirting". Colour lithograph by Papen, Hansen, 199- for AIDS-Koordination NRW.
  • The words 'Bon voyage' [good journey] incorporating a pink condom against a blue sky with white clouds; an advertisement for safe sex and the trademark 'OK' quality seal awarded to brand condoms; French version of a series of 'Stop SIDA' [Stop AIDS] campaign posters by the Federal Office of Public Health, in collaboration with the l'Aide Suisse contre le SIDA. Colour lithograph.
  • The naked torsos of two men touch with a message about AIDS and safer sex; an advertisement by the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. Colour lithograph, 1984/1985.
  • A British postage stamp including a portrait of the film-actor Stan Laurel, representing monthly meetings for HIV-positive people at the Kultur+ Café, Berlin. Colour lithograph after Kintscher, ca. 1993.
  • A young black couple with their arms linked and a warning about the dangers of getting high and getting AIDS; a poster from the America responds to Aids advertising campaign. Lithograph, 1993.
  • Six ill people in Uganda, with either AIDS or another disease; representing the difficulty of being sure that someone has AIDS. Colour lithograph, ca. 1995 (?).
  • Two line-drawn faces joined together by the AIDS red ribbon by F. Boisnon advertising a fund-raising evening event broadcast on the radio on 7 April for the fight against AIDS with the logos of radio stations involved below. Colour lithograph.
  • A group of people stand on a rug that appears to float across a world map as they point to the circular design surrounding them bearing the title in Spanish: 'Poster exhibition: 1985-1995' [in Madrid]; an advertisement by Salud y SIDA. Colour lithograph by Ana Capitaine, 1995.
  • The words 'AIDS' forming the centre of a maze with four figures on the outside holding maps in an attempt to find their way in, an illustration by Ingram Pinn; an advertisement for a meeting in Berlin about HIV and homeopathy by Dr Karin Bandelin and Dr Almut Gestrich on 26 October 1993 at the headquarters of Kursiv, the Centre for AIDS and advice for gay men. Photocopy, 1993.
  • A group of men, women and children huddle together representing an advertisement for taking responsibility for protection against AIDS by the NACO in collaboration with WHO. Colour lithograph, ca. 1997.
  • A man with a tattoo puts his arms around a woman while holding a condom in a packet bearing the logo 'ok'; French version of a series of 'Stop SIDA' [Stop AIDS] campaign posters by the Federal Office of Public Health, in collaboration with the l'Aide Suisse contre le SIDA. Colour lithograph.
  • Black and white flames against a red background with a list of names representing an advertisement for 'exposicion de 36', a fair showing an exhibition of AIDS posters by Artis Association . Colour lithograph.
  • Numbered images and text including 2 images of a couple making love, a woman lying attached to a drip receiving a blood transfusion, a syringe injecting into an arm and a group of pregnant women; an advertisement from Laos about safe sex and AIDS prevention and the dangers of intravenous drug abuse and pregnancy. Colour lithograph, ca. 1996.
  • A woman holding the hand of an AIDS patient sitting on a bed next to a trolley of fruit and a bottle of water representing an AIDS prevention advertisement. Colour lithograph, ca. 1998.