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170 results filtered with: Battles
  • Crimean War: ambulance men removing the wounded from the Battle of Sebastopol. Wood engraving.
  • Shah Namah, the Persian Epic of the Kings
  • Samson, victorious over the combined powers of the Philistines, holds the jaw of the ass up high. Engraving by G. Tomba after F. Rosaspina after G. Reni.
  • A battle between British and Indians. Gouache drawing.
  • Boer War: a chaplain administering the Sacrament to a dying soldier on a battlefield. Halftone, c. 1900, after F. J. Waugh.
  • Shah Namah, the Persian Epic of the Kings
  • Memorial of European events in the year 1714. Engraving by Christoph Weigel, c. 1722.
  • Jacob's ladder; Moses' exhausting prayer; Elijah addressing God at a sacrifice. Mezzotint by G. Sanders, 1845, after E. Taylor.
  • Shah Namah, the Persian Epic of the Kings
  • Soldiers being offered medical help behind the battlefield. Lithograph.
  • Memorial of European events from the year 1718. Engraving, c. 1722.
  • Doctors at work during a storm on a battlefield at Sinankeui, China. Wood engraving after W. Small.
  • An ornate garden obelisk with a battle scene carved on the base. Etching by J. Schynvoet after S. Schynvoet, early 18th century.
  • Crimean War: turkish ambulance men collecting the wounded from the battlefield. Wood engraving.
  • Shah Namah, the Persian Epic of the Kings
  • Schleswig-Holstein War: an ambulance arriving at a battlefield in Düppel 18 April 1864. Lithograph by W. Funke, 1864.
  • Death is the victor of the battlefield. Etching by Stefano della Bella, 16--.
  • Memorial of German military events from the year 1702. Engraving, c. 1722.
  • Samson, victorious over the combined powers of the Philistines, holds the jaw of the ass up high. Drawing by F. Rosaspina, c. 1830, after G. Reni.
  • Tending the sick and wounded after a battle. Tinted mezzotint by J.C. Rugendas after G.P. Rugendas, 1698.
  • Shah Namah, the Persian Epic of the Kings
  • A surgeon on the battlefield. Process print after C. Maurer, 1594.
  • The death of Sir Phillip Sidney at the battle of Zutphen. Line engraving by W. Greatbach after Sir D. Wilkie.
  • A battle with a scene of military surgery. Oil painting attributed to a Flemish painter, ca. 1700(?).
  • Shah Namah, the Persian Epic of the Kings
  • A gloomy battlefield scene with the wounded being tended to and carried away. Lithograph, c.1870.
  • Crimean War: Sisters of Charity nursing wounded soldiers from the Battle of Inkerman. Coloured lithograph by Le Par (?), 1855.
  • The death of Bayard: surrendering to the spanish general. Line engraving by C.N. Malapeau after A. Borel.
  • A person of high rank watches an elephant fight along with other spectators. Gouache painting by an Indic artist.
  • The death of General Marceau, during the retreat at Altenkirchen, 1796. Line engraving by M.G. Eichler, 1817, after A.-L. Giradet.