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536 results filtered with: Horses
  • The Veterinary College, Royal College Street, London: the facade. Engraving by Cook, c.1800, after J. C. Barrow.
  • Barclay and Perkins brewery, Southwark: horses and workers in the stables. Wood-engraving, 1847.
  • Two performing itinerant medicine vendors in costume on a horse drawn carriage rehersing their speeches on a country lane as a young woman walks past. Coloured etching.
  • Blister for horses... / prepared by G.E. Morgan.
  • Boer War: a British officer's pony looking at the bones of a Boer's pony killed by a shell. Halftone, c. 1900, after S. S. Lucas after a photograph by E. Blake Knox.
  • Laurence's condition powder for horses.
  • With the compliments of Smith's Potato Crisps : mount the two jockeys on the two horses without bending, cutting, or in anyway mutilating the cards : it can be done - try it.
  • A galloping horse and rider. Collotype after Eadweard Muybridge, 1887.
  • A most useful and important application : Bird's Botanic Essence, or Liquid Blister : for general lameness in horses... / W.L. Bird.
  • A large table in a lecture hall with many commercial medicine vendors and practitioners seated around it: in the background are many tiers of spectators. Engraving, 1748.
  • A large vehicle (Phoebus's cart), on which is an electrical generator, being pulled along by winged horses with light bulbs on their heads: electricity sweeps all before it. Wood engraving by Swain, 1881, after J. Tenniel.
  • A horse walking, pulling something. Collotype after Eadweard Muybridge, 1887.
  • The blind school, Southwark. Engraving by H. Wallis after A. W. Wray.
  • A seated man in outlandish dress is holding an arabian mare by its reins. Lithograph.
  • A cottage at the junction of two roads: a waggon is driven along one of the roads, while a cowherd drives a cow along the other. Etching by J.C. Klengel, 1773.
  • Napoléon Bonaparte saluting wounded enemy soldiers. Aquatint by Gordien, 1828, after J.B. Debret.
  • The "Meynell Hunt" embrocation for horses and cattle... / prepared only by Alfred Parker.
  • Keep your hunters in condition by using Henri's horse condition powders... / manufactured by Henri's Patent Cattle Feed Co.
  • Cupiss' Constitution Powder : minimum net weight 250 gms. (25 doses) / Francis Cupiss Ltd.
  • Tonic powders for horses and cattle ... : especially valuable where the appetite is deficent or in cases of weakness caused by exposure, over exertion. etc.
  • Fowke & Aston's mange wash : for the cure of mange in horses, cattle and dogs ... / prepared only by Fowke & Aston.
  • Doctor Rock, a medicine vendor, selling his wares from a horse-drawn carriage to a crowd. Engraving.
  • A horse in motion, with parts of the body indicated. Woodcut, 17--.
  • Astley's pneumonic mixture for the pleuro-pneumonia or lung disease, in cattle, horses, sheep, &c. : shake the bottle / prepared only by John Astley.
  • Gall cure for horses & cattle : invaluable for cuts, galls, sore shoulders and backs, corns and all similar sores and abrasions of horses and cattle.
  • A dog and a horse attending the funeral of their master, an officer in the army. Lithograph.
  • A white Frisian horse with its mane plaited into three interlaced strands is standing at the shore of a river. Etching after P. Potter.
  • Two scenes of a farrier extracting a tooth from a male patient and a blacksmith extracting a tooth from a female patient. Etching after J. Harris the elder.
  • Rāma and Sītā being carried in the beak of Jatayu. Watercolour drawing, c. 1880.
  • College of Veterinary Surgeons, New York City. Coloured wood engraving.