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291 results filtered with: Veterinary Drugs
  • Fly and maggot oils, poison : this preparation is a safe and certain remedy for preventing the Fly striking, and for killing maggots and tick ... / G.A. Davis.
  • Drink for hyans in calves / prepared by T. Bentley.
  • Curb cure for horses and cattle : directions for use : to be rubbed in at intervals of two to three days till applied eight to ten times.
  • Poultry powder.
  • Fluke capsules : for the treatment of liver rot or fluke in sheep : directions... / W.J. Davies & Sons.
  • Horse care products : caring for horses since 1830 : high feed costs? Laminitis? Lack of condition? Nervousness? Behavioural problems? Cupiss' Constitution Powder could be the answer / Francis Cupiss Limited.
  • Cordial thriving drench / prepared by Cary Cocks and Roper.
  • The wise breeder's axiom : "health perfection means more nett profit!" / Francis Cupiss Ltd.
  • Cupiss' Constitution Powder : minimum net weight 500 gms. (50 doses) / Francis Cupiss Ltd.
  • The much-approved fellon drink / prepared only by G. Walker, chemist, &c, (by examination).
  • Veterinary embrocation for the field, farm, kennel and stable.
  • Caring for your pet / Seven Seas Veterinary Division.
  • Fenner's Cough Oils and Cough Balls : for colds, influenza, broken wind, &c. in the horse... / prepared by Cary Cocks and Roper.
  • Devon drench for cattle, horses, etc. : safe and certain : a famous and invaluable remedy for the disorders of horses, cattle, sheep and pigs. Especially so for red water, scouring, cold, colic and influenza, milk fever, costiveness, etc. and as a cleansing drench for cows and ewes after calving and lambing and preventative of milk fever.
  • Half cordial and half diuretic balls : for horses / prepared by Cary Cocks and Roper.
  • Safe and certain drench : a famous and invaluable remedy for the disorders of horses, cattle, sheep and pigs : especially so for red water, scouring, cold, colic and influenza, milk fever, costiveness etc.
  • Keep dry : per : carriage paid through : Messrs. Bleasdale, Ltd., Wholesale Druggists, York / from Francis Cupiss Ltd., The Wilderness, Diss.
  • Cupiss' Constitution Balls : vital facts about your cattle! / Francis Cupiss Ltd.
  • Horsley's farm bottle for horses, horned cattle, sheep, &c. ... / prepared by W.H. Laverack.
  • Cupiss' Constitution Balls : vital facts about your cattle! / Francis Cupiss Ltd.
  • Horseballs / prepared and sold by William Radley.
  • In wartime the companionship of a good dog is more valuable than ever / Bob Martin, Ltd.
  • Drink for hyans in calves / prepared by Alfred Parker.
  • Francis Cupiss Limited : manufacturers of the celebrated Cupiss Constitution Powder and balls made to the original 1830 formula of the late Francis Cupiss, M.R.C.V.S. using natural ingredients from around the world...
  • Astley's sheep powder ... / prepared by John Astley.
  • Mittel gegen Futterverstopfung der Kühe : dreimal täglich je den fünften Teil in einem Liter Kamillenaufguss zu geben / Carl d'Alleux.
  • Horse and cattle medicines... / Fowke & Aston, chemists, Stafford.
  • Knepp Castle Stud, West Grinstead, Horsham, Mar. 16th, 1915 : Dear Sirs, Please send me a guinea box of Cupiss' Constitution Balls : [green card] / Ed. Brown, stud groom to Sir Merrik Burrell, Bart.
  • Cupiss' constitution balls for horses, cattle & sheep : are superior to all other medicine, and less expensive by reason of their lasting benefit, in cases of swelled legs, grease, cracked heels, surfeit, staring coat, colic, hide bound, loss of appetite, hove or blown, influenza, broken wind, strangles, sore throats, epidemic, coughs, colds, distemper, disordered liver, scouring, rot in sheep, gargate, conditioning, wasting, preserving health, &c. ... / Francis Cupiss.
  • As under are a few testimonials out of many hundreds received during this year (1871) in favour of Thorley's horse and cattle spice.