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830 results filtered with: Women
  • A Chinese lady looking at herself in a mirror (right); outside, a water-garden (left). Gouache.
  • Eight women representing the conditions of dementia, megalomania, acute mania, melancholia, idiocy, hallucination, erotic mania and paralysis, in the gardens of the Salpêtrière hospital, Paris. Lithograph by A. Gautier, 1857.
  • Women and AIDS : plain speaking about AIDS and how it affects women, written for women by the experts - women. 3, HIV and pregnancy and children / Positively Women and Immunity.
  • Anita, "the living doll" : smallest woman in the world : age 30 years, height 26 inches.
  • A women's ward in an unidentified hospital, with elaborate decorations. Photograph.
  • AIDS : an issue for women / Royal Newcastle Hospital.
  • Boreas raises Orithyia aloft. Etching by P. Dupin after C. de La Fosse.
  • Muscles and bones of the leg; thoughts on woman. Drawing and inscription by H. Fuseli, 18-.
  • A woman wearing a decorative dress and head band waves a large flag bearing the words 'Stop AIDS Now'; an advertisement for Women Unite Against AIDS by the Johannesburg City AIDS Prevention Programme. Colour lithograph by Charlotte Preden, ca. 1990's.
  • A woman from Kamchatka wearing a scarf on her head. Engraving by W. Sharp, 1784, after J. Webber.
  • Plain speaking about HIV and AIDS and how it affects women, written for women by the experts - women. 4, Women, drugs and HIV / Positively Women.
  • Marguerite Agniel posing with her legs crossed and hands together resting on her legs.
  • Kusōzu: the death of a noble lady and the decay of her body. Watercolours.
  • Women and AIDS : plain speaking about AIDS and how it affects women, written for women by the experts - women. 1, Prevention / Positively Women and Immunity.
  • Women and AIDS : plain speaking about AIDS and how it affects women, written for women by the experts - women. 2, Positive result? - Look after yourself / Positively Women and Immunity.
  • HIV & AIDS : information for lesbians / Terrence Higgins Trust.
  • Brain of an African Bushwoman: two figures, each of a section of the brain. Lithograph by E.M. Williams after H. Watkins, 1864.
  • Women and AIDS : plain speaking about AIDS and how it affects women, written for women by the experts - women. 2, Positive result? - Look after yourself / Positively Women and Immunity.
  • The word 'AIDS' in Hindi with 4 images showing the multiple silhouettes of a man and woman against a pink background representing the dangers of having multiple partners and contracting AIDS; includes a condom being removed from its packet and the feet of a man and woman below; a safe sex and AIDS prevention advertisement in Hindi. Colour lithograph, ca. 1995.
  • Alcmene giving birth to Hercules: Juno, jealous of the child, attempts to delay the birth. Engraving by A. Tempesta, 1606.
  • Cupid presides over a group of naked women who sit separated from groups of yearning men; symbolising the passion of love. Etching by J. Audran after C. Gillot.
  • A black and white image of a naked man and woman making love within a coloured larger image of the faces of a man and woman; with the message in German that before you forget everything, don't forget condoms; one of a series of posters from a 'Stop AIDS' campaign by the AIDS-Hilfe Schweiz in collaboration with the Office of Federal Health. Colour lithograph.
  • The black silhouettes of a man and woman sitting talking at a table attended by a waiter and a musician either side; an advertisement for the Stop AIDS Campaign as part of World AIDS Day on 1st December in Japan. Colour lithograph, ca. 1990.
  • A communal house, the men sit drinking around a table while the women look after the children, weave hay and the older children cook. Engraving by C. Bouzonnet Stella after J. Stella.
  • Women & HIV : prevention : plain speaking about HIV and how it affects women / Immunity.
  • A woman with two serpents holding her finger to her lips; representing prudence. Etching, 16--.
  • Kusōzu: the death of a noble lady and the decay of her body. Watercolours.
  • A woman working in a bar pushes away a man who makes advances towards her, a briefcase full of money lies open on the bar beside him; an AIDS prevention advertisement by the AIDS Control Programme, Ministry of Health, Uganda. Lithograph, ca. 1995.
  • Piccadilly Hall on and after Monday, Sept. 4th : Royal American Midgets : Miss Millie Edwards... two receptions daily... / Piccadilly Hall.
  • Women and AIDS : plain speaking about AIDS and how it affects women, written for women by the experts - women. 4, Women, drugs and HIV / Positively Women and Immunity.