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672 results filtered with: Allegorical prints
  • An angel crowns Britannia as a reward for defeating France in the naval battle in the eastern Atlantic on 1 June 1794. Engraving by F. Bartolozzi, 1803, after R. Smirke.
  • People and scenery representing the continent of Africa. Stipple engraving by J.D. Nargeot after C.A. Chasselat.
  • A winged woman (the genius of literature) presents an elegant couple to the Roman goddess of wisdom, Minerva, above the group appears a triangle (sign of God) surrounded by cherubs, signs of the sciences and the lettering "Literature". Colour stipple engraving by J.W. Chapman after Dodd.
  • Medicine chest supplied to Shackleton Expedition
  • Five people, each exercising one of the five senses. Coloured lithograph by L.-L. Boilly, 1823.
  • Fame proclaiming the virtues of the remedy Tabonuco Pectoral. Colour lithograph, ca. 1921.
  • A bear overturns a barrel and is stung by bees; representing Aesop's fable. Etching by C. Murer after himself, c. 1600-1614.
  • In a rural garden, two boys draw the figure of Nature represented as a woman with six breasts feeding two infants; around, examples of nature and education. Engraving by E.J.N. de Ghendt after C.P. Marillier, ca. 1788/1793.
  • The South Sea Scheme: speculators ruined by the collapse of the South Sea Company. Engraving by W. Hogarth after himself, 1721.
  • A woman surrounded by bubbles is sitting in front of a table with temporal riches, while smoke rises out of a cup; representing vanity. Engraving by W.I. Swanenburgh after A. Bloemaert.
  • The Christ Child preserves the believer's heart from a snare in which the devil tries to trap it, and from worldly blandishments. Engraving by A. Wierix, ca. 1600.
  • Cristobal Lozano presents to Pope Alexander VII an engraving of a mountain transformed into a statue of a man. Engraving by F. Spierre after Pietro da Cortona.
  • A red rose with an open mouth baring fangs at the centre, surrounded by blackened thorny rose leaves, representing a response to insults directed at homosexuals; an advertisement for a 'Queer-Party' on 31 December 1994 at S036 in Berlin. Colour lithograph.
  • An itinerant surgeon extracting stones from a man's head; symbolising the expulsion of 'folly' (insanity), in the background is a manic woman who is waiting for the operation. Photogravure, 1926, after T. de Brij after M. de Vos.
  • A woman bearing a sword and measuring scales; representing justice. Engraving by P. Ghigi after L. Agricola after Raphael.
  • A drunkard with an empty glass; representing the sense of taste. Engraving, 16--.
  • Cupid (Love) with arrows sits next to items representing arts and sciences. Etching by H. Winstanley, 17--, after F. Snyders and A. van Dyck.
  • As the personification of Charity, a woman is holding two children by her side. Engraving by J. Phelps.
  • The three ages of man: a couple embrace, children play with hoops and toys, and an old couple eat at a table. Engraving by P. Fürst, 1652.
  • Above, a woman personifying health addresses Death; below, Apollo, attended by an agitated crowd of patients, heals a sick man; representing the medical writings of Frederik Dekkers. Etching.
  • A woman feeling the tip of an arrow with her finger; representing the sense of touch. Mezzotint by A. van Haecken after J. Amigoni.
  • A bath-house containing six men and an onlooker, perhaps an allegory of the four humours and five senses. Photolithograph after A. Dürer, c. 1496.
  • Bacchus, Ceres and Pomona with a cornucopia of fruit and corn. Etching by C. Schut I.
  • A barber-surgeon operating on a man's head; representing the sense of touch. Engraving, 16--.
  • An allegory of fishing: rods and lines for river fishing. Engraving, c.1780?.
  • Three gamblers and an old man; representing the vain fight with time. Engraving by J. Hogg after J.H. Mortimer after G. Chaucer.
  • A naked woman representing Truth is defended by Lord Holland against attack by politicians abusing a government privilege in libel cases. Coloured etching by Samuel De Wilde, 1811.
  • A large cannon pushed forwards by Furies crushes American soldiers under its wheels; representing the American Civil War. Wood engraving after J. Tenniel, 1864.
  • A malicious itinerant surgeon extracting stones from a grimacing patient's head; symbolising the extraction of 'folly' (insanity). Mezzotint by J. van der Bruggen after D. Teniers.
  • Led by the female personification of Germany, the representatives of Germans kneel to the left of the throne of Charles V, while the leaders of the protestant states stand on the right. Engraving after A. van der Does.