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  • Brillantaisia ulugurica Lindau, Acanthaceae. Giant salvia. Tropical herbaceous plant. Distribution: Tropical Africa. Brillantaisia patula is used by the Yoruba in south Nigeria for small-pox medication, the roots being mixed with Bahia nitida and Marantolchloa leucantha, Piper guineense and snails. This is made into a soup and the snail piece eaten to protect against smallpox for a year (Neuwinger, 1994) which doubtless was effective after the global eradication of smallpox in 1979. Brillantaisia nitens is used in the Cameroons to treat cardiovascular disorders. Phytochemical screening of Brillantaisia species have shown antibacterial action, vascular smooth muscle relaxant properties. Kew reports their use as soap