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6 results filtered with: Morton, Richard, 1637-1698
  • Opera medica. Quibus additi fuere tractatus sequentes / I. Gualt. Harris De morbis acutis infantium. II. Gul. Cole Novae hypotheseos ad explicanda febrium intermittentium symptomat. & typos excogitatae hypotyposis &c. III. Ejusd. De secretione animali. IV. Mart. Lister. De morbis chronicis. V. Ejusdem De variolis. VI. Thomae Sydenham Processus integri in morbis fere omnibus curandis, cum tract. de phthisi nunquam antehac edito.
  • Opera medica / [Richard Morton].
  • Phthisiologia: or, a treatise of consumptions. Wherein the difference, nature, causes, signs, and cure of all sorts of consumptions are explained. Containing three books: I. Of the original consumptions from the whole habit of the body. II. Of an original consumption of the lungs. III. Of symptomatical consumptions, or such as are the effects of some other distempers. Illustrated by particular cases, and observations added to every book. With a compleat table of the most remarkable things. Translated from the original / [Richard Morton].
  • Opera medica / [Richard Morton].
  • Opera medica / [Richard Morton].
  • Opera medica. Quibus additi fuere tractatus sequentes / I. Gualt. Harris De morbis acutis infantium. II. Gul. Cole Novae hypotheseos ad explicanda febrium intermittentium symptomat. & typos excogitatae hypotyposis &c. III. Ejusd. De secretione animali. IV. Mart. Lister. De morbis chronicis. V. Ejusdem De variolis. VI. Thomae Sydenham Processus integri in morbis fere omnibus curandis, cum tract. de phthisi nunquam antehac edito.