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15 results filtered with: Van der Gucht, Gerard, 1696-1776
  • John Allen. Line engraving by G. van der Gucht.
  • Game animals, birds and waterfowl (23 varieties), lying dead on the ground beneath an oak tree, in a pastoral setting. Etching, by G. Van der Gucht after P.A. Rysbrack (?), 1750/1770?.
  • The base of the brain with part of the medulla oblongata, the blood vessels injected with wax, and the cerebellum (Table XII, figs 1-2), after Cowper in Ridley (1695); the foetal heart, the larynx and the viscera (Table XIII), after an etching by G. Vandergucht in Cheselden (1740) Etching by I. Basire, 1743.
  • An oval cartouche containing a dedication to Dr Richard Mead. Engraving by G. Vandergucht, 17--.
  • The uterus, after Swammerdam, De Graaf and Cheselden. Etching, 1743.
  • Half-human, half-monkey barbers shaving a goat. Etching by G. van der Gucht after J. Wootton.
  • John Allen. Line engraving by G. van der Gucht.
  • A bedchamber with a man about to be blinded: a fire blazes in a cauldron and a man holds his spear in the fire while another man is restrained. Etching by G. van der Gucht after H. Gravelot.
  • Fish, eels, shellfish and crustaceans (22 different varieties), lying dead on a table and in baskets. Etching, by G. Van der Gucht after P.A. Rysbrack, 1750/1770.
  • Saint Luke, painting a picture of the Virgin. Engraving by G. van Gucht after P. de Jode.
  • Marcus Modus Asiaticus. Line engraving by G. van der Gucht, 1723, after W. Stukeley.
  • The genito-urinary system, after Eustachius, Cheselden, and De Graaf. Etching, 1743.
  • Henry Cope. Line engraving by G. van der Gucht, 1736.
  • Mars [Ares]. Engraving by G. van der Gucht after L. Cheron after L. Carracci.
  • Nicholas Saunderson [Sanderson]. Line engraving by G. van der Gucht, 1740, after J. Vanderbank, 1719.