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792 results filtered with: Advertisements
  • Betnovate : Betnovate Scalp Application : the classic answer to scalp dermatoses.
  • A sovereign remedy.
  • For prompt but short hypnosis.
  • Francis Higgins, "The sham squire", defends himself against imputations. Woodcut, 1866.
  • Doncaster Pharmaceuticals Ltd : step into autumn with our September generics offer : available until October 10th 1981.
  • W. & R. Jacob & Co. Limited : biscuit & cake manufacturers.
  • A Swedish clergyman showing the chalice to children at their first communion. Wood engraving after E. Oehme, 1881.
  • Hygroton Geigy.
  • What is in this cup? : Vimbos, an ox in a teacup : the prince of fluid beef (see analysis).
  • The Counter Adjunct : No. 291 (new series) March, 1916 : The Morning Salt.
  • Bei Hypertonie, Arteriosklerose, Angina pectoris sowie bei Herzneurosen und allen Gefässirritationen im Alter u. Klimakterium, Theominal : das dominierende Spasmolyticum und Vasoregulans... / Bayer.
  • Browning's spectroscopes : spectrum apparatus for the microscope ... / John Browning.
  • A Chilean wine label illustrated with a large house and vineyard. Engraving, 19th century.
  • Real relief required : for pain of all dimensions prescribe Doxypol first.
  • Conium maculatum : Vertigo-Heel.
  • The Counter Adjunct : No. 297 (new series) September, 1916 : our latest line.
  • Baldwin's Herbal Female Pills : removes obstructions arising from cold and other causes, recommended for all disorders and irregularities of the female constitution during "change of life".
  • Medical and pharmaceutical equipment advertising Frith Bros.' pharmacy shops in Surrey and Middlesex. Colour lithograph by D.W. Burley.
  • A man representing the remedy Finidol rescues another man from the clutches of an octopus whose tentacles represent rheumatic and arthritic diseases. Colour lithograph after René Vincent.
  • Paralie: Beautifies The Complexion Instantly. Product sheet for The Peralia Perfumery Co. North Shields, Enlgand
  • The song "Life, life" sung by Margot Werner: the CD (compact disc) recording in aid of Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe. Colour lithograph, 1993.
  • The new beauty-culture : an absolutely new way of beautifying the complexion... Pond's Extract Soap / Armour & Company.
  • Advertisement : Here is lately arrived a doctor of physick, who by his long study and experience, both at home and in foreign countries, has acquir'd as learned and safe a method in curing all diseases incident to humane bodies ... as the nature of the distemper will permit.
  • Data sheet : Exterol.
  • Bonus order card.
  • Hazeltine's pocket book almanac 1895 : 17th series / E. T. Hazeltine.
  • Hazeltine's pocket book almanac 1895 : 17th series / E. T. Hazeltine.
  • Calvert's Carbolic Ointment : preserve your teeth by using Calvert's Carbolic Tooth Powder.
  • Cuckoo-pint (arummaculatum) : the second in a series of herb paintings by Ernest Petts.
  • Veronal : neues vorzügliches Hypnoticum.