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88 results filtered with: Crayon manner prints
  • A female allegorical figure of theory guiding a boy towards a nude female figure representing Nature, who is revealed by the winged figure of painting. Crayon manner print by J.B. Lucien, 1795, after P.T. Le Clerc.
  • Georg Ludwig Rumpelt. Crayon-manner etching by C. F. Boetius, 1777, after J. E. Schenau, 1771.
  • A seated female nude figure and a male nude figure punting in a boat. Crayon manner print by J.B. Lucien, 1798, after P.T. Le Clerc.
  • A seated male nude, with arms and legs crossed. Crayon manner print by Lavalée after J. Gamelin, 1779.
  • A standing écorché figure, showing the bone structure and muscles of the trunk and limbs, with three separates figures indicating the muscles of hands and feet. Crayon manner print by or after J. Gamelin, 1778/1779.
  • Muscles of the legs and feet: two écorché figures. Crayon manner print by Lavalée after J. Gamelin, 1778/1779.
  • Prometheus bound to a rock, his liver eaten by an eagle. Crayon manner print by Lucien after P.T. Leclerc.
  • A seated male nude with right leg stretched out. Crayon manner print by J. Whessell, 1803, after J. Barney.
  • Corisca and the satyr: he pulls at Corisca's hair, trying to rape her, but he has seized a hair extension, enabling her to push him over and run away to safety. Crayon-manner by W.W. Ryland, 1763 after F. Lauri.
  • A face with hair on end expressing despair. Crayon Manner print by W. Hebert, c. 1770, after C. Le Brun.
  • Two putti. Crayon-manner print by F. Rosaspina, 1800, after Francisco Vieira after A. Allegri, il Correggio.
  • An écorché figure lying on its side, almost prone. Crayon manner print by Lavalée after J. Gamelin, 1779.
  • A face expressing hatred or jealousy. Crayon manner print by W. Hebert, c. 1770, after C. Le Brun.
  • Saint Nicholas of Myra and Bari. Chalk manner engraving by Clemente Nicoli, 1786, after G.F. Barbieri, il Guercino.
  • A tableau showing women, men and children, some of whom are wearing rustic costumes, in an interior setting. Crayon manner print by Lavalée after J. Gamelin, 1778/1779.
  • A bearded man wearing a cloak, head and shoulders portrait (possibly a self-portrait of the artist?). Crayon manner print by Lavalée after J. Gamelin, 1778/1779.
  • Bones of the lower leg and of the foot and the knee joint. Crayon manner print attributed to G. Smith, 18th century.
  • A bearded man whose face expresses horror. Crayon manner print by W. Hebert, c. 1770, after C. Le Brun.
  • Two male nude figures, one throwing his head back, while the second advances holding a trident and a net. Crayon manner print by J.B. Lucien, 1798, after P.T. Le Clerc.
  • Nicholas-Joseph Marcassus, Baron de Puymaurin (1718-1791): oval head and shoulders portrait. Crayon manner print by Lavalée after J. Gamelin, 1779.
  • A kneeling écorché figure, clasping its right knee. Crayon manner print by or after J. Gamelin, 1778/1779.
  • A young woman stands with a sheep by her side. Crayon manner print by Gilles Demarteau after F. Boucher.
  • The dead Christ is lamented by his mother and disciples. Crayon-manner print by A. Leroy, 1853, after Raphael.
  • A standing écorché figure, seen from behind, showing the bone structure and muscles of the trunk and arms, with three separate figures indicating the muscles of legs, arms and hands. Crayon manner print by J. Gamelin after himself, 1778/1779.
  • A crucified écorché figure. Crayon manner print by J. Gamelin after himself, 1778/1779.
  • An écorché figure lying prone on a table, with left arm extended and right hand clasping its head. Crayon manner print by Lavalée, after J. Gamelin, 1778/1779.
  • A bearded man whose face expresses horror. Crayon manner print by W. Hebert, c. 1770, after C. Le Brun.
  • A female figure expressing admiration touched with astonishment. Crayon manner print by W. Hebert, c. 1770, after C. Le Brun.
  • Abraham Thornton. Crayon manner print by W.T. Fry, 1818.
  • Venus [Aphrodite] and Cupid. Colour crayon manner print by F. Bartolozzi after G.F. Barbieri, il Guercino.