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117 results filtered with: Trade cards
  • Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil : you may want it / [Foster, Milburn & Co.].
  • Surgical instruments, including lancets, saws and forceps, made by Isaac Grenier; advertising his goods for sale. Etching by H. Neutte [?], 1698.
  • Yours for purity : Slade's spices / D. & L. Slade Co.
  • A. Winter & Sons, confectioners & pastry cooks, &c. : 177 Snargate Street, Dover : ball-suppers & routs attended & supplied : established 1795.
  • Old Calabar dog biscuits : allegro : à tout vitesse.
  • Old Calabar dog biscuits : allegro : à tout vitesse.
  • Estampes, affiches, dessins originaux, tableaux / Pierrefort.
  • Il mercato a Nertchinsk : al lago Baikai : Tungoso coi pattini / Liebig's Extract of Meat Company Limited.
  • Lactart acid of milk makes a delicious beverage : with water and sugar only / Avery Lactate Co.
  • J. Rickett & Co., successors to Evans & Stokes : grocers, tea dealers, butter, cheese & hop factors : 64 & 65 Broad Street, Worcester.
  • Spratt's "Ovals" : exact size : about 240 to the LB : carry a few of these dainty little biscuits for your pets / Spratt's Patent Ltd.
  • Vimbos : an ox in a teacup.
  • Vimbos : an ox in a teacup.
  • With best wishes for your good health / Dr. M.D. Dennis.
  • Stickney & Poor's mustards, spices and extracts are the best : if your grocer does not keep the send to us direct ... / Stickney & Poor.
  • A positive cure for sick headache : Carter's Little Liver Pills / Carter Medicine Co.
  • Ask for Spratt's Patent meat fibrine vegetable dog cakes with beetroot.
  • Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil : you may want it / [Foster, Milburn & Co.].
  • Véritable extrait de viande Liebig : Volubilis / Liebig's Company.
  • Ask for Spratt's Patent meat fibrine vegetable dog cakes with beetroot.
  • Lapland / Thomas Holloway.
  • Lactart acid of milk makes a delicious beverage : with water and sugar only / Avery Lactate Co.
  • Trade-card of Nathaniel Longbottom, supplier of skeletons, St. Thomas's Street, Southwark
  • Dr. P.O. Baldo's celebrated Blood and Liver Pills : the best anti-bilious pills in the world / L.M. Berry.
  • Old Calabar dog biscuits : moderato : allure modérée.
  • Hills & Laport : preservers of milton native oysters, milk, cream, bottled fruits, pickles &c. : no. 48, Eastcheap, London : Herring, anchovy & other pastes.
  • Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil! : what it has done : what it will do : [girl on steps in the snow] / [Foster, Milburn & Co.].
  • Your patients over-eat... : ...Actal / Bayer Products.
  • Stazione di Tcheliabinsk, testa di linea : Irbit, commercio di pelli et di pelliccie / Liebig's Extract of Meat Company Limited.
  • Dr. Hand's remedies for children : pleasant physic, colic cure, teething lotion, worm elixir, diarrhoea mixture, general tonic, cough and croup medicine, chafing powder.