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804 results filtered with: Woodcuts
  • Martyrdom of Saint Regina. Woodcut.
  • White bryony (Bryonia dioica): flowering plant. Woodcut.
  • Four hunters on horseback with hounds, setting off for the hunt; a village in the background. Coloured woodcut, ca. 1850.
  • A Chinese talisman of a warrior with sword. Colour woodcut by a Chinese artist.
  • Samson carries the gates of Gaza out of the city. Woodcut.
  • Saint Mary (the Blessed Virgin) with the Christ Child, Saint Corbinian and Saint Sigismund. Woodcut by L. Beck.
  • Saint Augustine of Hippo (?). Woodcut.
  • A shearman removing the nap from rough woven cloth, watched by another man from a window. Woodcut by J. Amman.
  • A lute-maker testing one of the lutes in his workshop: other musical instruments are hanging on the walls, and there are tools on and around the workbench. Woodcut by Jost Amman, 1568.
  • Jesus Christ raises Lazarus from his tomb. Coloured woodcut, ca. 1510.
  • Francis Higgins, "The sham squire", defends himself against imputations. Woodcut, 1866.
  • Jesus calls the fishermen from the sea to be his apostles. Etching by J. Wachsmuth after J.C. Tardieu and C.J. Vernet.
  • Protection against witchcraft and demons through the name and attributes of Jesus Christ. Woodcuts and letterpress, 159-.
  • The communion of Saint Mary of Egypt, framed by other scenes from her life. Woodcut.
  • The dance of death: the canon. Woodcut by Hans Holbein the younger.
  • Adrianus Junius [Adriaen de Jonghe]. Woodcut.
  • The dance of death: the advocate. Woodcut by Hans Holbein the younger.
  • Three men playing wind and string instruments. Woodcut by Jost Amman, 1568.
  • A Chinese talisman featuring a warrior with a mace in each hand. Colour woodcut by a Chinese artist.
  • A Chinese lucky charm decoration of man dressed in brightly colored robes with children at his feet. Colour woodcut by a Chinese artist.
  • Hop pickers at work. Colour line block by Leighton Brothers after A. Hunt, 185-.
  • Jean Fernel. Woodcut.
  • Eleven decorated initials from the Basel 1555 edition of Andreas Vesalius's De humani corporis fabrica. Woodcuts, 1555.
  • A Chinese talisman of an angel with a cudgel. Colour woodcut by a Chinese artist.
  • A craftsman making combs. Woodcut by J. Amman.
  • Windsor Forest and Windsor Great Park: two mounted huntsmen with their hounds; in the background, a mansion surrounded by trees. Coloured woodcut, ca. 1850.
  • William Bullein. Woodcut, 1579.
  • Sir William Watson. Woodcut by R. Bryden.
  • The dance of death: the senator. Woodcut by Hans Holbein the younger.
  • Simon of Trent depicted as being killed and tortured by Jews. Woodcut by M. Wolgemut, ca. 1493.