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25 results filtered with: Bedrooms
  • Three people praying around the bed of a sick man, one is a priest. Line engraving by I. Taylor.
  • A young woman convalescing in her boudoir with a visiting couple, while her maid prepares her medicine. Reproduction of a coloured aquatint.
  • A young woman comes to visit a sick young man in hope that her love will cure him, surrounded by relatives. Line engraving by J. Goodyear after P.E. Destouches.
  • Two women read aloud and talk to each other, while a sick man listens in suffering silence. Line engraving.
  • A woman has just died: one man breaks the news to another. Wood engraving.
  • Le malade imaginaire: Argan, a hypochondriac, complaining of his ailments to his nurse. Pen and ink drawing by L. Frölich, 1859.
  • A young woman is brought to visit a sick young man in the hope that her love will cure him; relatives and attendants are present. Coloured lithograph by Lafosse after P.-E. Destouches, ca. 1850/1879.
  • A girl making her confession to a monk from her sick bed. Lithograph by J. Woelfjle, after C. van Beveran.
  • Two hunters with hounds have entered a bedroom to summon another hunter whose wife does not want him to leave. Mezzotint, 17--.
  • Saint Ursula: she learns in a dream of her forthcoming martyrdom. Photogravure after D. Anderson after V. Carpaccio.
  • A young woman being visited by a member of the clergy while another woman cries beside her. Line engraving, 1813.
  • The German Hospital, Dalston: a room for a single patient, probably in the new wing (1936). Photograph.
  • The German Hospital, Dalston: a room for two patients, probably in the new wing (1936). Photograph.
  • A man in bedclothes prising insects (?) off his bed-curtains with a fork into a saucepan. Etching by T.L. Busby, ca. 1826.
  • A dying little girl is held by her mother in bed, while another child consoles the grieving father. Transfer lithograph.
  • A dying woman lies in bed: a woman at the bedside is consoled by another. Line engraving by F. Lightfoot after T. Allom.
  • A sick man lying in bed is being read to by a young woman, while three others look anxious. Pen and ink drawing.
  • A charitable lady visiting a sick man and his family: with a crest. Line engraving by N.J. Voyez, 1773, after C.D.J. Eisen.
  • A sick person is being blessed by a priest while a beam of light from the sun shines through the clouds. Line engraving.
  • A death-bed scene of man being read his last rites surrounded by his family, the priest and courtiers. Etching.
  • A sick patient surrounded by family and visited by a priest. Stipple engraving by Middlemist after T. Stothard.
  • A young woman is brought to visit a sick young man in the hope that her love will cure him; relatives and attendants are present. Coloured lithograph by Lafosse after P.-E. Destouches, ca. 1850/1879.
  • A bedroom in a palace: a queen or noblewoman is sitting at a dressing table being dressed by her maids. Engraving, 18--.
  • A young man weeps in grief by the death bed of a young woman. Line engraving by J. Brown, 1846, after J. Barker.
  • Two women trying to seat a hysterical hypochondriac while a cat arches its back. Coloured lithograph after J.H. Fragonard.