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146 results filtered with: Brain
  • Phrenological diagrams of the skull and brain, with three portraits: Laurence Sterne, a mathematician, and Shakespeare; exemplifying the faculties of wit, number and imagination respectively. Engraving by H. Sawyer after W. Byam, 1818.
  • Human skull: frontal view. Lithograph, c. 1835.
  • Inside the brain / Wellcome Trust.
  • A coal mine in the human brain; representing medical assistance by Tomasz Judym to industrial workers. Colour lithograph by Wongel, 1976.
  • A human head dissected: "In memoriam". Acrylic painting by R. Ennis, 2001.
  • Child's head with large temporal lobes and depressed frontal lobe. Drawing, c. 1900.
  • Atlas of head sections : fifty-three engraved copperplates of frozen sections of the head and fifty-three key plates with descriptive texts / by William Macewen.
  • Atlas of head sections : fifty-three engraved copperplates of frozen sections of the head and fifty-three key plates with descriptive texts / by William Macewen.
  • Head of "a backward boy" divided into four cerebral lobes: profile. Ink drawing with watercolour, c. 1900.
  • Das menschliche Gehirn nach seinem Aufbau und seinen wesentlichen Leistungen / gemeinverständlich dargestellt.
  • Coombe's synopsis of phrenology : for the use of practical phrenologists.
  • Wax models of the head and neck (figs 1-3), and of the right hemisphere of the brain (figs 4-5), made by G. G. Zumbo. Engraving by J. Robert after M. Basseporte, 1749.
  • Head and neck: sagittal section. Colour mezzotint by J.F. Gautier d'Agoty, 1748.
  • Two sections of the brain, divided into different lobes and faculties, according to Hollander's system of phrenology. Pen drawing, c. 1902.
  • Phrenological chart with portraits of historical figures and illustrations of skulls exhibiting racial characteristics. Lithograph by G. E. Madeley, authored by C. Donovan, c. 1850.
  • A head containing over thirty images symbolising the phrenological faculties. Wood engraving, c. 1845, after O.S. Fowler (?).
  • Left profile of a head showing depressed frontal lobes. Drawing, c. 1900.
  • The skull of the painter Raphael: frontal view. Lithograph by Engelmann after C.P. Mazer.
  • The base of the brain with part of the medulla oblongata, the blood vessels injected with wax, and the cerebellum (Table XII, figs 1-2), after Cowper in Ridley (1695); the foetal heart, the larynx and the viscera (Table XIII), after an etching by G. Vandergucht in Cheselden (1740) Etching by I. Basire, 1743.
  • Atlas of head sections : fifty-three engraved copperplates of frozen sections of the head and fifty-three key plates with descriptive texts / by William Macewen.
  • Brain of an African Bushwoman: two figures, each of a section of the brain. Lithograph by E.M. Williams after H. Watkins, 1864.
  • Dissections of the brain and blood vessels: three figures. Colour mezzotint by J.F. Gautier d'Agoty, 1748.
  • Atlas of head sections : fifty-three engraved copperplates of frozen sections of the head and fifty-three key plates with descriptive texts / by William Macewen.
  • The brain, after Haller and Ridley. Engraving by Prevost, 1762.
  • Dorsal view of zebrafish brain (4 day-post fertilization)
  • Atlas of head sections : fifty-three engraved copperplates of frozen sections of the head and fifty-three key plates with descriptive texts / by William Macewen.
  • A female brain, sectioned vertically: side view. Process print, 1901, after etching, 1809.
  • Phrenological chart; with design of head containing symbols of the phrenological 'faculties'. Etching after O.S. Fowler (?).
  • The brain seen from the underside, sectioned horizontally; with attention to the part associated by Hollander's system of phrenology with memory for numbers. Process print, 1901, after etching, 1809.
  • Dante and Virgil watching Bertrand de Born hold his head away from his body to illustrate the spreading of disunity. Etching by B. Pinelli, 1825.