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21 results filtered with: Chemistry, 19th Century
  • Glass retort with stopper. mid 19th C
  • Berthelot's apparatus for determining heat of combustion.
  • Kekule, Ueber die Constitution und die Metapmorphosen...
  • Liebig's condensers. 19th C
  • Liebig's apparatus for organic analysis. 19th C
  • Liebig's combination tube and drying apparatus. 19th C
  • Accum's gas-making installation. 19th C
  • C. Tomlinson, Illustrations of Useful Arts and Manufactures. Chemistry: Industry. 1858
  • Chemical apparatus. mid 19th C
  • Negretti & Zambra: Catalogue. Bunsen burners. circa 1880
  • Section of Coal Tar Colour Works at Greenford. 19th C
  • Sectio of Coal Tar Colour Works at Greenford. 19th C
  • Chemistry apparatus used by Berthelot
  • Berthelot's calorimetric bomb: cross section.
  • Berthelot's apparatus for measuring heat of vaporization.
  • Accum's gas-making installation. 19th C
  • Diagram of Graham's Osmometer (to study osmosis).
  • Calorimeter designed & used by Berthelot
  • Table of osmotic pressure for various solutions. 19th C
  • Coal Tar Colour Works at Greenford in 1858 & 1873. Plant belonging to W. H. Perkin and his brother, T. D. Perkin.
  • Design for a general laboratory. 1822