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40 results filtered with: Deception
  • David steals a spear and jug from Saul, who lies deep in a sleep imposed by God. Engraving.
  • Joseph's brothers show his coat, apparently soaked in his blood, to Jacob, who mourns. Etching.
  • Delilah caresses the sleeping Samson as she sets her barber to work. Engraving by J.B. de Poilly after F. Verdier, 1698.
  • Judith with a sword holding the head of Holofernes. Mezzotint by A. von Prenner after A. Varotari, il Padovanino, ca. 1720.
  • A toothdrawer concealing the key from the patient. Oil painting by Luciano Nezzo.
  • Subtle the alchemist, posing as an astrologer, being visited by Abel Drugger, in Ben Jonson's 'The alchemist'. Engraving by C. Grignion, 1791, after J. Graham.
  • The fallibility of the senses: above, justice, fame and deceit; below, doctors conducting an autopsy on a cadaver, surrounded by onlookers. Engraving, 1692.
  • A itinerant medicine vendor demonstrating a deceptive illusion to an audience, he is pretending to burn a man's back and then use ointment to clear up the burns, in order to sell his wares. Etching.
  • A French tooth-drawer wearing a turban and pretending to be Turkish in order to attract clients, holding a large tooth and an enormous tooth extractor. Engraving by N. Dupuis after F. Eisen.
  • Judith puts the head of Holofernes into her maid's bag. Etching (?) after H. Goltzius.
  • Judith and her maid put the head of Holofernes into a bag. Engraving by A. Smith.
  • J. St. John Long (a dubious medical practitioner) dressed as a funeral mourner surrounded by ducks and placards which advertise several malpractice cases of his in which patients died. Coloured etching attributed to A. Sharpshooter, 1830.
  • Birds attacking an owl resting upon a staff held by a naked woman; representing patience. Etching by C. Murer after himself, c. 1600-1614.
  • Peter denies knowledge of Christ. Engraving by A. Pauwels after G. Seghers.
  • A devil (in human guise) deceiving and tricking an itinerant medicine vendor who proclaims to cure all ailments. Line engraving by S. Nicholls.
  • The death of Ananias: an elderly bearded man falling to the ground before a large crowd of onlookers. Pen and ink drawing attributed to F. Montelatici (Cecco Bravo).
  • Judith with Holofernes' head. Line engraving.
  • A woman sitting at an organ; representing the sense of hearing. Engraving, 16--.
  • Samson releases himself from his bonds; Delilah and the Philistines are astonished. Etching by B. Audran after F. Verdier, 1698.
  • A woman beleaguered by four enemies; representing Faith resisting Death, Schism, the World and the Devil. Engraving by Hieronymus Wierix after Maarten de Vos, 156-.
  • A toothdrawer concealing the key from the patient. Oil painting by Luciano Nezzo.
  • A devious itinerant medicine vendor and assistant perform their sales pitch to a suspicious audience, against the backdrop of the Tower of London. Etching, 1792.
  • A French tooth-drawer wearing a turban and pretending to be Turkish in order to attract clients, holding a large tooth and an enormous tooth extractor. Engraving by N. Dupuis after F. Eisen.
  • As Samson breaks his bonds, Delilah pulls back the curtain to reveal her soldiers. Engraving after J.F. Rigaud.
  • Judith and her maid hide Holofernes' head. Woodcut.
  • A devious itinerant medicine vendor and assistant perform their sales pitch to a suspicious audience, against the backdrop of the Tower of London. Etching, 1792.
  • Delilah cuts the sleeping Samson's hair, smiling at the Philistine soldiers waiting in the shadows. Engraving.
  • While dining with two women, a man pleasures one of them with his foot. Coloured lithograph, ca. 1830.
  • A furious cuckold rushes at his rival with a sword; representing vice as its own punishment. Engraving after O. van Veen (Vaenius), 1612.
  • A seated man in front of a chamber pot which is emitting bubbles, a group of people stand behind him; representing Gwyllym Lloyd Wardle's involvement with Mrs. Clarke. Coloured etching, 1809.