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38 results filtered with: Dots
  • Bacterial microbiome mapping, bioartistic experiment
  • NK T-cell lymphoma is a highly aggressive cancer of a specific type of immune cell called lymphoid cells, and is associated with the Epstein Barr virus (glandular fever). In later stages of the disease, the lymphoma can spread to the lymph nodes, as in this case.
  • Bacterial microbiome mapping, bioartistic experiment
  • Bacterial microbiome mapping, bioartistic experiment
  • Hormone release from a kidney cell, STORM and TIRFM
  • Misreplication of DNA in human fibroblast nucleus
  • Microbead 'lasers' engulfed by cells, artistic impression
  • Bacterial microbiome mapping, bioartistic experiment
  • Bacterial microbiome mapping, bioartistic experiment
  • Dorsal root ganglion neurone from a mouse, LM
  • Bacterial microbiome mapping, bioartistic experiment
  • Bacterial microbiome mapping, bioartistic experiment
  • Bacterial microbiome mapping, bioartistic experiment
  • Knee joint, murine, LM
  • A microCT 3D reconstruction of a 10-day-old chick embryo, as seen from the right hand side. The inner ear is depicted, with the semicircular canals (the body's balance organ) and the cochlea (which converts sound waves into electrical impulses) shown in green. The otic capsule, a cartilaginous structure surrounding the inner ear which develops into part of the sphenoid bone, is shown in blue.
  • Bacterial microbiome mapping, bioartistic experiment
  • Healthy adult human brain viewed face on, tractography
  • Mouse Ear Skin
  • Bacterial microbiome mapping, bioartistic experiment
  • Bacterial microbiome mapping, bioartistic experiment
  • Bacterial microbiome mapping, bioartistic experiment
  • Bacterial microbiome mapping, bioartistic experiment
  • Multinucleated giant cell containing an asteroid, microscopy.
  • Hoverfly eyes, SEM
  • Human kidney cell, Gated-STED microscopy
  • Bacterial microbiome mapping, bioartistic experiment
  • Bacterial microbiome mapping, bioartistic experiment
  • Colour vision.
  • Bacterial microbiome mapping, bioartistic experiment
  • Bacterial microbiome mapping, bioartistic experiment