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57 results filtered with: Dreams
  • The dream of a patient in Jungian analysis: a steeply descending road, with telegraph poles on the left, a wall and fields on the right, huge mountainous waves in the distance. Drawing by M.A.C.T., 1978.
  • The dream of a patient in Jungian analysis: a tunnel, into which water cascades from the top into a swirling pool; small people look down from the top. Drawing by M.A.C.T., 197-.
  • The dream of a patient in Jungian analysis: logs rolling along a stream through a tunnel, a person stepping from one log to another. Drawing by M.A.C.T., 197-.
  • The dream of a patient in Jungian analysis: a path through trees, on which three cyclists ride. Drawing by M.A.C.T., 197-.
  • A dream: an owl flies overhead, while large and small figures stand by. Drawing attributed to Thomas Uwins.
  • A Scottish soldier sleeping after battle dreams of a reunion with his wife and family. Colour wood engraving by Edmund Evans after F. Goodall.
  • A young man, on his way to London, dreams of a successful future. Photograph after C. Nanteuil.
  • A young man, on his way to London, dreams of a successful future. Photograph after C. Nanteuil.
  • The dream of a patient in Jungian analysis: a view through a window towards fields, hills and woods, with the hands of a writer in the foreground. Drawing by M.A.C.T., 1977.
  • A dream in which Captain Ducie holding a dagger approaches himself asleep and sees a black man emerging from under his bed. Process print after R. Taylor after M.L. Gow, 1891.
  • A couple hovering off the ground being observed by a huge goat with two cats. Etching by F. Goya, 1796/1798.
  • Two young women pluck a bird which has a man's head, while an old woman prays. Etching by F. Goya, 1796/98.
  • World War One: a German soldier crouches in fear between two saintly mediaeval sculptures; behind Notre Dame is burning. Halftone after a pen drawing by L. Raemaekers.
  • The dream of a patient in Jungian analysis: a path on a high bridge, with higher arches and cliffs above. Drawing by M.A.C.T., 1977.
  • Saint Gregory, doubting the stigmata of Saint Francis, sees in a dream Saint Francis filling a chalice with his blood. Engraving by B. Picart, 1732.
  • The dream of a patient in Jungian analysis: an avalanche of rocks falls on to a road through mountains, breaking the roadside wall and blocking the progress of a car. Drawing by M.A.C.T., 197-.
  • A winged man grabbing a young naked woman by the hand while another sits reading a book surrounded by owls and bats. Etching by J.M. Martínez Espinosa after F. Goya.
  • The dream of a patient in Jungian analysis: a railway tunnel, in which the rails at the far end form the trunk of a tree. Drawing by M.A.C.T., 197-.
  • The dream of a patient in Jungian analysis: left, a rocky wall; right a swirling wave; at the end, six people. Drawing by M.A.C.T., 1971.
  • The dream of a patient in Jungian analysis: a whorl with a black circle at the centre. Drawing by M.A.C.T., 1978-.
  • A young woman flying in the air with a butterfly on her head, surrounded by three crouching figures by her feet. Etching by F. Goya, 1796/1798.
  • A man sleeps by a hot stove; a devil blows evil thoughts into his ear; Venus gestures towards the stove, and Cupid learns to walk on stilts in the foreground. Engraving by A. Dürer, ca. 1497-1498.
  • The Duke of Clarence is assailed by demons and taunted by a blood-soaked angel in a dream; an episode in Shakespeare's 'Richard III'. Engraving by J. Neagle, 1804, after T. Stothard.
  • The amateur actor Robert Coates dreaming about his success on the stage in the role of Romeo. Aquatint attributed to "The Caricaturist General", 1812.
  • The dream of a patient in Jungian analysis: left, a rocky wall; right a swirling wave; at the end, six people. Drawing by M.A.C.T., 1971.
  • The power of counsel: Daniel interpreting the dream related by Nebuchadnezzar. Engraving by Adrian Collaert after Jan van der Straet, 1567/1605.
  • Studies in the psychology of sex. Vol. I, The evolution of modesty : The phenomena of sexual periodicity / by Havelock Ellis.
  • The dream of Saint John Damascene: the Virgin attaches his severed right hand. Drawing, 16--.
  • An artist dreams that he is painting the portrait of the Devil disguised as a virtuoso: episode in a fable by John Ogilby. Etching attributed to F. Barlow, 1673.
  • A couple hovering off the ground being observed by a huge goat with two cats. Etching by F. Goya, 1796/1798.