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20 results filtered with: Education, Medical
  • Methods and problems of medical education / Division of Medical Education, Rockefeller Foundation.
  • Matæotechnia medicinæ praxeos. : The vanity of the craft of physick. Or, a new dispensatory: wherein is dissected the errors, ignorance, impostures and supinities of the schools, in their main pillars of purges, blood-letting, fontanels or issues, and diet, &c. and the particular medicines of the shops. With an humble motion for the reformation of the universities, and the whole landscap of physick, and discovering the terra incognita of chymistrie. To the parliament of England. / By Noah Biggs, chymiatrophilos.
  • Salon 1904 : les études de la peinture : carte postale / G. Leroux.
  • Nath. Longbottom in St. Thomas's Street, Southwark, London sells skeletons of different sizes & both sexes, of good colour & accurately articulated; & packs them safe either for sea or land carriage : N.B. he also mounts for such gentlemen as have loose sets of bones : letters post-paid will be duly answered & orders punctually obeyed.
  • Patente di abilitazione in chirurgia, e facoltà di esercitarla : Gli eccellentissimi SS. dottori, ed esaminatori del venerabil Collegio dei Medici, e Cerusici della Città di Firenze in sufficiente numero nella solita lora audienza adunati ... / [Collegio dei Medici di Firenze].
  • Dr Forrest Loveland's journal
  • Qualification to practise medicine, surgery, and midwifery : I ... president of the Royal College of Physicians of London, with the consent of the fellows of the same college, have, under the authority given to us by Royal Charter and Act of Parliament, granted to ... who has satisfied the College of his proficiency, our licence under the said charter to practise physic including therein the practise of medicine, surgery, and midwifery ...
  • Elenco delle dimostrazioni anatomiche che faranno li studenti del ven. arcispedale di S. Giacomo in Augusta detto degl'incurabili : nel teatro anatomico alle ore 22. degl'infrascritti giorni sotto la direzione di Giuseppe Sisco.
  • Diploma approbationis in clinica : Universis, et singulis praesentes litteras visuris, lecturis, et audituris, salutem in domino ...
  • Methods and problems of medical education / Division of Medical Education, Rockefeller Foundation.
  • Salon 1904 : les études de la peinture : carte postale / G. Leroux.
  • We, the court of examiners, chosen and appointed by the master, wardens and assistants of the Society of the Art and Mystery of Apothecaries of the City of London in pursuance of a certain Act of Parliament passed in the 55th year of the reign of his majesty King George the third entitled an Act for the better regulating the practice of apothecaries throughout England and Wales, do hereby by virtue of the power & authority invested by the said Act certify that ... has been by us carefully and deliberately examined as to his skills & abilities in the science & practice of medicine ... duly qualified as an apothecary.
  • Nath. Longbottom in St. Thomas's Street, Southwark, London sells skeletons of different sizes & both sexes, of good colour & accurately articulated; & packs them safe either for sea or land carriage : N.B. he also mounts for such gentlemen as have loose sets of bones : letters post-paid will be duly answered & orders punctually obeyed.
  • Qualification to practise medicine, surgery, and midwifery : I ... president of the Royal College of Physicians of London, with the consent of the fellows of the same college, have, under the authority given to us by Royal Charter and Act of Parliament, granted to ... who has satisfied the College of his proficiency, our licence under the said charter to practise physic including therein the practise of medicine, surgery, and midwifery.
  • Methods and problems of medical education / Division of Medical Education, Rockefeller Foundation.
  • Patente di abilitazione in chirurgia, e facoltà di esercitarla : Gli eccellentissimi SS. dottori, ed esaminatori del venerabil Collegio dei Medici, e Cerusici della Città di Firenze in sufficiente numero nella solita lora audienza adunati ... / [Collegio dei Medici di Firenze].
  • We, the President and Fellows of the King and Queen's College of Physicians in Ireland, having duly and deliberately examined ... in the principles and practice of medicine, and in the accessory sciences, and having found him well versed therein, do by these presents, grant him a license to practise in the Faculty of Physic and do hereby certify that he is a physician and licentiate in medicine of said college ... / King and Queen's College of Physicians in Ireland.
  • M. DCC.LVIII. : Magistri, Jacobus-Benignus Winslow, Camillus Falconer, Franciscus Pousse ...
  • Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire de la Faculté de Médecine de Montpellier / Revus et publiés par M. Lorry.
  • Diploma approbationis in clinica : Universis, et singulis praesentes litteras visuris, lecturis, et audituris, salutem in domino ...