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21 results filtered with: Effigies
  • Fighting Adze Toki, Greenstone blade and carved handle. Maori, New Zeland. In the exhibition of The Medicine of Aboriginal Peoples in the British Commonwealth.
  • Effigy of a shaman, Haida, Queen charlotte Island.
  • Head mask. Yuruba, Southern Nigeria, W.Africa
  • Spirit-scaring effigy (Kareau), Nicobar Islands. Male
  • Ancestral anthropomorphic effigy, New Guinea.
  • The interior of a house on the island of Nootka Sound, British Columbia, Canada, with some of its inhabitants encountered by Captain Cook on his third voyage (1777-1780). Engraving by W. Sharp, 1784, after J. Webber.
  • Figure representing pregnant woman, Ivory Coast, West Africa.
  • The inside of a hut in a morai, place of burial and worship, in Atooi (Kauai); encountered by Captain Cook on his third voyage (1777-1780). Engraving by E. Scott, 1784, after J. Webber.
  • Canoe-head mask, New Guinea.
  • A shrunken head, Jivaro Indian, Ecuador, S.America. Long hair, threads from lips, feather pendant from ears
  • Effigies of Shopono, God of smallpox. Yoruba, Nigeria.
  • Female effigy, Simbo Island, Solomon Islands. In the exhibition of The Medicine of Aboriginal Peoples in the British Commonwealth.
  • Anthropomorphic effigy, Trobriand Islands, Western Pacific.
  • Effigy of a Shaman from Haida Tribe, late 19th century.
  • House-post figure, anthropomorphic effigy, Solomon Islands.
  • A shrunken head, Jivaro Indian, Ecuador, S.America. Long hair, threads from lips, feather pendant from ears
  • Consultation Figures, Southern Nigeria
  • A human body is consumed by a furnace; a woman holds a small red limbless effigy bearing a crown; a man holds a sheaf, and another a stick; below, by another furnace, a green and red dragon face each other, poised for combat; representing a stage in the process of alchemy. Coloured etching, ca. 18th century.
  • A shrunken head, Jivaro Indian, Ecuador, S.America. Short hair, necklet and ear pendants of coix seeds. Lips sewn together, no threads hanging.
  • Figure representing pregnant woman, Ivory Coast, West Africa.
  • Medicine man's bag, jackal's skin, with head in situ. Uganda