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15 results filtered with: Embarrassment
  • A sad lonely child sits on her bed, anxiety, illustration
  • A naked figure standing pleased with himself as he wears a condom on his erect penis with the words 'in: with a condom'; below, the same naked figure stands red with embarrassment holding his head and genitals without a condom with the words 'out: without a condom' in German; an advertisement for safe sex by the AHS [AIDS-Hilfe Schweiz], ASS [AIDS Suisse Contre le SIDA] and AAS [Aiuto AIDS Svizzero]. Colour lithograph.
  • A glum Frenchman: he has plenty of 'buttons' (French boutons, i.e. moles, nodules or naevi) on his face, but lacks them on his trousers. Coloured pen and ink drawing by Tirvert.
  • A man suffering from social anxiety disorder, illustration
  • An embarrassed female patient is caught undressed by a leering medical assistant. Colourprocess print after J-A. Faivre, 1902.
  • Two flowers and a heart representing love and life with the words "Liebes Leben"; advertising an exhibition about AIDS in Leipzig. Colour lithograph by Studio Andreas Heller for the Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung, 1995.
  • Riding a bike to help social anxiety disorder, illustration
  • Two flowers and a heart representing love and life with the words "Liebes Leben"; advertising a touring exhibition about AIDS. Colour lithograph by Studio Andreas Heller for the Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung, 1995.
  • A physician administering a clyster to an embarrassed woman who hides her self and presents her behind through a window, female friends observe the scene. Photograph after a stone bas-relief in Bruges archaeological museum.
  • An elaborately dressed medicine vendor selling his wares from a stage to an audience, he points to a member of the crowd whose appearence suggests he is a doctor. Coloured etching by G. Cruikshank, 1819.
  • A young woman, taken by surprise, covers her breasts. Stipple engraving with etching by W. Roffe after C.-M. Dubufe.
  • Mr. Lambkin drunkenly dancing the polka and knocking over a tray of coffee, while his loved one looks on in a dismayed manner. Lithograph by G. Cruikshank.
  • Counselling for social anxiety disorder, illustration
  • A sad lonely child plays alone, anxiety, illustration
  • A man in his office is confronted by an innkeepr who presents him with a wine bill, in the presence of other men. Wood engraving.