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27 results filtered with: FLUORESCENT PROBE
  • Human metaphase, translocation, cosmid probe
  • Translocation shown using centromere probes
  • Turner's syndrome, centromere & cosmid probe
  • Whole arm translocation, centromere probes
  • Duchenne muscular dystrophy control, FISH
  • Prader Willi & Angelman's syndromes - probes
  • Aniridia + translocation, FISH & cosmid prob
  • Translocation shown up by cosmid probes
  • Translocation - use of cosmid probe
  • Aniridia + deletion, FISH probes
  • DiGeorge syndrome - 22q11deletion - FISH
  • Familial aniridia deletion shown by cosmid
  • Duchenne muscular dystrophy deletion, FISH
  • Prader Willi & Angelman syndromes - FISH
  • Translocation, shown by cosmid probes
  • Translocation shown up by cosmid probe
  • Aniridia, Wilm's tumour, deletion - FISH
  • Cosmid DNA probe for chromosome 9, human
  • Use of DNA probe on c-some 9 heterochromatin
  • Pressure Palsy, deletion c'some 17, cosmid
  • DiGeorge syndrome - deleted/nondeleted FISH
  • DNA probe for Y chromosome, meta/interphase
  • Turner's stndrome, centromere & cosmid probe
  • Unbalanced translocation, cosmid probe
  • Pressure palsy, deletion c'some 17, cosmid
  • Prader Willi & Angelman's syndromes - probes
  • DNA sequencing using cosmids for c'some 9