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32 results filtered with: Fever
  • Two doctors discussing a patient who has a fever and a great thirst, the patient overhears and promises to cure the thirst if they can deal with the fever. Wood engraving by C. Keene, 1882.
  • Bedford hospital: view of grounds. Lithograph after J. Sunman Austin, 1850.
  • Schedula monitoria de novae febris ingressu / [Thomas Sydenham].
  • Carnival at Cuzco: a small Indian woman with a clyster pulls at a sheet worn by a man, who is holding an uprooted tree; representing malaria. Wood engraving by T. Hildebrand after E. Riou, 1869.
  • A child asleep under a mosquito net and treating the net: malaria prevention in Kenya. Colour lithograph by Ministry of Health Malaria Control Programme, ca. 2000.
  • Observationes medicae circa morborum acutorum historiam et curationem / Authore Thoma Sydenham.
  • Six different pieces of sealed, precious medicinal earth known as 'terra sigillata'. Pen drawing.
  • Seventeen different pieces of sealed, precious medicinal earth known as 'terra sigillata'. Pen drawing.
  • Fever, represented as a frenzied beast, stands racked in the centre of a room, while a blue monster, representing ague, ensnares his victim by the fireside; a doctor writes prescriptions to the right. Coloured etching by T. Rowlandson after J. Dunthorne, 1788.
  • Examen diatribæ Thomæ Willisii ... de febribus. Cui accesserunt Historiæ aliquot medicæ rariores / [Edmund Meara].
  • Therapeutice specialis ad febres periodicas perniciosas.
  • Schedula monitoria de novae febris ingressu / per Tho. Sydenham ... ; accedunt ejusdem De febre putrida variolis confluentibus superveniente, et De mictu sanguineo à calculo renibus impacto dissertationes.
  • Traité des inflammations internes connues sous le nom de fièvres / par H. Chauffard.
  • Fever Hospital, Margate, Kent, England: floor plan. Line engraving.
  • Boer War: fever patients in a ward at the military hospital at Bloemfontein, South Africa. Halftone, c. 1900, after F. Mayer.
  • A new theory of acute and slow continu'd fevers; wherein, besides their appearances and manner of cure, occasionally, the structure of the glands, and the manner and laws of secretion, the operation of purgative, vomitive, and mercurial medicines, are mechanically explain'd. Together with an application of the same theory to hectick fevers: and an essay concerning the improvements of the theory of medicine / [By G.C].
  • Examen diatribæ Thomæ Willisii ... de febribus. Cui accesserunt Historiæ aliquot medicæ rariores / [Edmund Meara].
  • One dozen Dr. Chilton's Permanent Fever and Ague Cure.
  • Thomae Sydenham ... Opera universa : in quibus non solummodò morborum acutorum historiae & curationes novâ & exquisitâ methodo diligentissimè traduntur, verùm etiam morborum ferè omnium chronicorum curatio brevissima, pariter ac fidelissima in publici commodum exhibetur / [Thomas Sydenham].
  • Fever, represented as a frenzied beast, stands racked in the centre of a room, while a blue monster, representing ague, ensnares his victim by the fireside; a doctor writes prescriptions to the right. Coloured etching by T. Rowlandson after J. Dunthorne, 1788.
  • Lectures on the nature and treatment of fever / by D.J. Corrigan.
  • Therapeutice specialis ad febres periodicas perniciosas.
  • Royal Victoria Hospital, Netley, Hampshire: six scenes of nurses, nurse and patient, patients, hospital wards, treatment and physicians. Process print.
  • Therapeutice specialis ad febres periodicas perniciosas.
  • Observationes medicae circa morborum acutorum historiam et curationem / Authore Thoma Sydenham.
  • Examen diatribæ Thomæ Willisii ... de febribus. Cui accesserunt Historiæ aliquot medicæ rariores / [Edmund Meara].
  • A physician feeling the forehead of a child in Dalarna, Sweden. Heliogravure after F. Rops.
  • Schedula monitoria de novae febris ingressu / [Thomas Sydenham].
  • Thomae Sydenham Methodus curandi febres, propriis observationibus superstructa.
  • Remarks on irritative fever, commonly called the Plymouth dock-yard disease; with Mr. Dryden's detailed account of the fatal cases, including that of the lamented surgeon, Dr. [James] Bell / [John Butter].