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138 results filtered with: God
  • (Far left) The ascetic Kaladevala and the king pay
  • Children playing with various toys, in the background are paintings of the Creation and the creation of Adam. Engraving by A. Bosse, 1636.
  • (Left side) The Bodhisatta goes to the Nanda Park in th
  • God appears to Noah and his family; three cherubs hold him aloft. Etching after Raphael.
  • God the Father with the Holy Ghost. Line engraving by G.M. Pitteri after G.B. Piazzetta.
  • The angel announces to the Virgin that she will give birth to Christ. Watercolour.
  • Three means to gain God's mercy: fasting, prayer and alms, which cause the heart of man to fly towards God. Engraving attributed to T. Galle, 1601.
  • God, as a triangle representing the Trinity, pours light upon the Garden of Eden. Engraving.
  • Bacchus, Roman God of wine, mosaic pavement, Roman
  • The monk Phra Malai converses with Indra in heaven (right) and a bodhisattva in heaven with his attendants (left)
  • God animates Adam and operates on his rib. Etching by G.B. Leonetti after C. Cencioni after Nicola Pisano.
  • A bodhisattva in heaven with accompanying angels (detail of bottom right)
  • God and his angels sit in judgment; they divide humanity into the elect and the damned. Mezzotint by J. Stephenson after J. Martin.
  • (Left) Prince Siddhattha (Bodhisatta) asks his father
  • Illustrated Sinhalese covers (inside) showing the events between the Bodhisatta's renunciation and the request by Brahna Sahampati that he teach the Docrine after he becomes a Buddha.
  • Bodhisattva in heaven with accompanying angels (detail of bottom left)
  • Adam is formed by God. Etching by G.B. Leonetti after C. Cencioni after Nicola Pisano.
  • The ploughing ceremony with the baby Bodhisatta mediating u
  • God looks on unimpressed as Adam blames Eve for the transgression. Engraving by P.I. Drevet, c. 1720, after N. Coypel.
  • Ezekiel has a vision of angels and spheres with eyes coasting along the thunderstruck sea. Etching by R. Pranker, 176-, after B. Picart.
  • The ploughing ceremony with the baby Bodhisatta mediating
  • The third day of Creation: God creates the fertile earth. Line engraving by E. van den Bosche after M. de Vos.
  • The monk Phra Malai converses with Indra in heaven (top right) and a bodhisattva in heaven with accompanying angels (bottom)
  • Devas (minor divinities) accompanying a bodhisattva in heaven) (detail)
  • MS Thai 3, detail from back cover
  • God about to create the universe from a large sphere which is suspended on a rope by two genii. Engraving by J. Muller after H. Goltzius.
  • Prince Siddhattha is shown travelling to a park in a palanquin drawn by courtiers and soldiers. On his was Prince Siddhattha sees the three signs, an old man, a sick man and a corpse, that lead to his renunciation of secular life.
  • The woman clothed with the sun is attacked by a seven-headed dragon; her child is ejected up to God: representing the 12th Book of Revelation. Engraving.
  • The monk Phra Malai converses with Indra in heaven (top right) and a bodhisattva in heaven with accompanying angels (bottom)
  • God creating Eve out of Adam. Line engraving.