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321 results filtered with: Helplines
  • A crowd of people appearing to wait with the message 'All are equal before the [HIV] virus'; an advertisement for the AIDS helpline by the Steirische AIDS-Hilfe. Colour lithograph after Heimo Binder.
  • The painted faces of two men, one above the other, by Bruno; with the message that being HIV positive does not mean the end; an advertisement by Mann-O-Meter, the information and telephone service for gay men. Colour lithograph.
  • The sun with a smiling face and a condom with the message in French: "On holiday I forget everything except a condom"; a safe sex advertisement by the Ministère des Affaires Sociales de la Santé et de la ville, L'Europe contre le SIDA and the SIDA Info Service. Colour lithograph by L'Agence Verte.
  • Female catkins on a willow tree, representing an archaic Chinese nickname for sexually transmitted diseases, with the message that AIDS is worse. Colour lithograph by AIDS Concern, Hong Kong, ca. 1997.
  • A white telephone on a pale blue background advertising AIDS counselling services offered by health authorities and voluntary organizations; with the message ''You do not get AIDS from swimming". Colour lithograph by Papen, Hansen, ca. 1995.
  • Pen pal group : Body Positive, 51B Philbeach Gardens, Earls Court, London SW5 9EB.
  • Crabs representing a nickname for pubic lice or 'VD' with chinese lettering; a safe-sex advertisement by AIDS Concern, Hong Kong. Colour lithograph, ca. 1997.
  • Infirmier(ère)s, médecins, dentistes, pharmacien(ne)s... vous avez des questions sure le VIH, les hépatiites et les IST : des professsionels de santé vous répondent / VIH Info Soignants, une ligne de Sida Info Service.
  • A syringe forming the 'i' of AIDS with the message: "AIDS. Don't trust other people's fixes" representing an advertisement by the AIDS-Koordination NRW. Colour lithograph by Papen, Hansen.
  • Infirmier(ère)s, médecins, dentistes, pharmacien(ne)s... vous avez des questions sure le VIH, les hépatiites et les IST : des professsionels de santé vous répondent / VIH Info Soignants, une ligne de Sida Info Service.
  • A white telephone on a pink background advertising AIDS counselling services offered by health authorities and voluntary organizations; with the message ''You do not get AIDS from playing". Colour lithograph by Papen, Hansen, ca. 1995.
  • Sida Info Service : 0 800 840 800 : : tatouage temporaire.
  • Ne restez pas sans réponses / Hépatites Info Service.
  • The AIDS red ribbon with a list of AIDS helplines available in Germany; an advertisement by Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. Colour lithograph by Lucy Rüttgers.
  • Homo, bi, hétéro, qui suis-je? / Ligne Azur.
  • A white telephone advertising AIDS counselling services offered by health authorities and voluntary organizations; with the message "AIDS does not come from flirting". Colour lithograph by Papen, Hansen, 199- for AIDS-Koordination NRW.
  • Ne restez pas sans réponses / Hépatites Info Service.
  • Eyes watching out for carcinogenic materials in the workplace. Colour lithograph for the Nederlandse Kankerbestrijding/KWF, ca. 2001.
  • Helpline : Body Positive, 51B Philbeach Gardens, Earls Court, London SW5 9EB.
  • Helpline : Body Positive, 51B Philbeach Gardens, Earls Court, London SW5 9EB.
  • AIDS is caused by a virus, HIV : once you have HIV your body's defences can have trouble fighting off other diseases. There is no cure or vaccine for AIDS ... / Lothian Health Board.
  • A condom with the message "Guarenteed content of vitamins: aaah and hmm ... condoms - have you tried them?" with listed brands below; advertisement by AIDES, Association de lutte contre le SIDA. Colour lithograph by R. Turqueti.
  • A group photograph of gay men standing in a triangular formation with the message 'Friends remain friends, HIV positive or not'; an advertisement for helplines for those with AIDS and HIV by Het AIDS team in Antwerp. Colour lithograph by Wilberto van den Boogaard, ca. 1995.
  • Lesbian & Gay Bereavement Project : losing a partner in a same-gender relationship is every bit as devastating as losing a husband or a wife ...
  • Ne restez pas sans réponses / Hépatites Info Service.
  • A bare-chested man puts an arm around another man wearing an open leather jacket revealing his bare chest with the message 'With Hot Rubber you're safe!'; an advertisement for safe gay sex by AIDS Team Productions. Colour lithograph by Wilberto van den Boogaard, ca. 1993.
  • What does Taking Care with sex mean for you? / Lothian Health Board.
  • A white telephone advertising AIDS counselling services offered by health authorities and voluntary organizations; with the message ''AIDS does not come from the tango". Colour lithograph by Papen, Hansen, 199-.
  • Multi-coloured question-marks with a black silhouette figure jumping off a diving board at the top and appearing to land in a safety ring at the bottom; an advertisement for the Fifth Information campaign on AIDS education with a list of 10 Good standards for health professionals that perform HIV testing; advertisement by the Ministere della Sanità Commisione nazionale per la lotta contro l'AIDS. Colour lithograph, ca. 1997.
  • A is for AIDS / Sanctuary.