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16 results filtered with: Hermits
  • An episode in 'Gil Blas': Gil Blas and Don Alphonso, on the road from Toledo to Cuenca, receive advice from a hermit who subsequently reveals himself as their friend Don Raphael in disguise. Engraving by F. Engleheart after R. Smirke.
  • Six different pieces of sealed, precious medicinal earth known as 'terra sigillata'. Pen drawing.
  • A hermit in meditation: the hermit of Warkworth, Northumbria. Wood engraving by Luke Clennell.
  • Saint Christopher: watched by a hermit, he carries the Christ Child across a river. Etching by R. Eynhoudts after Sir P.P. Rubens.
  • An anchoress or nun of an enclosed order locked in her cell; representing the monastic cell as the heaven of the loving soul. Coloured engraving, 16--.
  • A hermit at prayer. Lithograph by C. Straub after G. Dou.
  • John Bigg, an eccentric hermit. Etching attributed to R. Livesay, 1787.
  • Prince Vessantara and his family live as hermits in separate temples. Watercolour.
  • Samuel Mathews, a hermit. Engraving by J. Greig, 1803, after G. Arnald.
  • [Leaflet advertising appearances by "a hermit of 90 years experience" from Abyssinia and a "magic mirror" in which "one remarkable event of future life will be visbly produced."].
  • A hermit in devotion before the Cross, turning his back on children with instruments of arts and sciences (a lute, a celestial globe, a book, and a paintbrush). Etching.
  • Mount Zouquala, Abyssinia: hermits exorcising devils. Process print after F.C. Dickinson after Dr. Koelitz.
  • A hermit at prayer. Lithograph by C. Straub after G. Dou.
  • Saint Bruno praying in the wilderness. Engraving after C. Mellan.
  • S. Barrett, a hermit. Stipple engraving by C. Doyle, 1807.
  • John Bigg, an eccentric hermit. Line engraving by Wilkes.