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23 results filtered with: Infant
  • The Counter Adjunct : No. 297 (new series) September, 1916 : our latest line.
  • Simple penicillin therapy for infants and children : 'Liquacillin' : penicillin powder with diluent. Buffered.
  • Why Dinneford's is different...
  • Laxina : see other side.
  • 'Entacyl' : a new versatile anthelmintic particularly effective in enterobiasis and ascariasis.
  • Closeness : no one understands better / SMA Nutrition.
  • 'Entacyl' : a new versatile anthelmintic particularly effective in enterobiasis and ascariasis.
  • The Counter Adjunct : No. 297 (new series) September, 1916 : our latest line.
  • Kid's stuff! : Dioderm: effectively controls infantile eczema and dermatitis - without risking the patient's skin.
  • See how your baby grows.
  • [Leaflet advertising appearances by 16 month old "plus beau phénomène du 19e siècle" with no arms and one leg at the Foire Au Pain D'Épice in Paris, 17 April 1881. The child was born in Ghent in Belgium].
  • 'Entacyl' : a new versatile anthelmintic particularly effective in enterobiasis and ascariasis.
  • Bone development in human infant L1 vertebrae, micro-CT.
  • More in the Fennings range.
  • More in the Fennings range.
  • Syrup Minadex : reconstructive tonic for children.
  • See how your baby grows.
  • Why Dinneford's is different...
  • rapidly, safely effective in infantile diarrhoea and gastro-enteritis : new enterfram : kaolin with framycetin - the ideal antibiotic for enteric use.
  • Laxina : see other side.
  • rapidly, safely effective in infantile diarrhoea and gastro-enteritis : new enterfram : kaolin with framycetin - the ideal antibiotic for enteric use.
  • Kid's stuff! : Dioderm: effectively controls infantile eczema and dermatitis - without risking the patient's skin.
  • The reconstructive tonic for children......Syrup Minadex.