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159 results filtered with: Interior architecture
  • New York State Soldiers' Depot, New York City: the hospital. Colour lithograph, 1864.
  • An old couple sitting, the man leans over on his walking stick to listen to the woman reading from the bible. Line engraving after G. Dou.
  • Wellcome Historical Medical Museum, Wigmore Street, London: the galleried Hall of Statuary. Photograph.
  • Temple of Jupiter, Spalato [Split]: interior. Engraving by D. Cunego.
  • Radcliffe Camera, Oxford: interior of the library showing study areas. Coloured aquatint by J. Bluck, 1813, after F. Mackenzie.
  • The Conservatoire des Arts et Métiers, Paris: gateway and interior. Wood engraving by C.W. Sheeres after E. Shirond.
  • Pero breast-feeding her father Cimon in prison. Line engraving by J.P. le Bas after N.N. Coypel.
  • Queen Alexandra visiting the sick in the Patrick ward, Dublin Hospital for the Dying, Ireland. Pen and ink drawing by A. Kemp Tebby, 1903, after H. Mills.
  • Five men sit smoking round a fireplace, another stands with his back to the fire. Mezzotint after A. van Ostade (?).
  • The Wellcome Research Institution's building, Euston Road, London: the Hall of Statuary of the Wellcome Historical Medical Museum as arranged in the 1930s. Photograph.
  • A girl reads to a convalescent while a nurse brings in the patient's medicine. Watercolour by R.H. Giles.
  • Crimean War, England: Crimean Inquiry of the Earl of Lucan. Wood engraving.
  • A young woman convalescing in her boudoir with a visiting couple, while her maid prepares her medicine. Reproduction of a coloured aquatint.
  • Musée du Congo, Tervuren, Belgium: one of five interior scenes. Collotype.
  • The interior of a dingy smoke den where groups of men smoke, drink and play cards. Engraving by F. del Pedro, 18th century, after a painting by D. Teniers, the younger.
  • A patient lies on a chaise-longue, while a nurse brings her some refreshment. Wood engraving by J.C. Griffiths after G.G. Kilburne.
  • Hospice de la Charité, Rheims, France: staircase. Lithograph by A. Dauzats after himself.
  • Lourdes, Haute Pyrénées, France: the ceremony of immersion. Pencil drawing by R. Cleaver.
  • Leiden, the Netherlands: the anatomy theatre, interior of a church, town weighing establishment and portraits. Line engraving.
  • Musée du Congo, Tervuren, Belgium: one of five scenes of the interior. Collotype.
  • St. Elisabeth Hospital, Haarlem, the Netherlands: Committee Room. Collotype by L. van Leer & Co.
  • The Baths of Leuk, Leuk, Switzerland: interior. Lithograph by J. Jacottet after R. Ritz.
  • Figures in the Great Hall, Trinity Hospital, Edinburgh. Line engraving by T. Stewart after D. Wilson.
  • Comédie-Française, Paris: a corridor used as a hospital in the Franco-Prussian War showing nurses treating patients. Photograph by Fiorillo after A. Brouillet, 1870.
  • Wellcome Historical Medical Museum, Wigmore Street, London: the galleried Hall of Statuary. Photograph.
  • The labelled interior of a boiler room at a military hospital in St. Petersburg. Lithograph.
  • Wellcome Historical Medical Museum, Wigmore Street, London: chemistry section of first floor galleries. Photograph, 1926.
  • Sarawak: interior of the Baram Fort. Photograph.
  • New York State Soldiers' Depot, New York City: wash and bath room. Colour lithograph, 1864.
  • Chapter House, Oxford: interior. Line engraving by J. Le Keux, 1832, after F. Mackenzie.