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12 results filtered with: John of God, Saint, 1495-1550
  • St. John of God carrying a sick patient from a hospital ward. Line engraving by G. Petrini.
  • Saint John of God (?). Engraving.
  • Saint John of God. Colour photogravure, 1898.
  • Saint John of God. Engraving by C. Galle.
  • Saint John of God. Coloured etching by P. de Colle after N. Cavalli after P. Novelli.
  • Saint John of God: he intercedes with the Virgin and Christ Child on behalf of a sick man. Etching by A. Napert.
  • Devocion, que el dia ocho de cada mes se reza en la iglesia de la Ssma. Trinidad de la ciudad de Mexico : en reverencia de el gran padre de los prbres, y glorioso patriarcha S. Juan de Dios con el fin de pedirle nos libre á todos del mal de la demencia ... / dispusola, y la saca â luz un sacerdote de el Colegio de San Pedro, devoto de el Santo.
  • St. John of God carrying a sick patient from a hospital ward. Line engraving by G. Petrini.
  • Saint John of God. Engraving by B. Fariat after L. Baldi.
  • Saint John of God. Engraving on yellow silk.
  • Saint John of God ascending to heaven, supported by three angels. Etching by L. Mattioli after D.M. Viani after G.M. Viani, 16--.
  • Saint John of God. Etching by F. Garzoli after F. Bigioli after F. Della Valle.