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26 results filtered with: Medical illustration
  • Plate LXXIII. Surgical technique for rhinoplasty.
  • Plate LX. Surgical technique to repair a hernia.
  • Plate LXXII. Plastic surgery on the lip and nose.
  • Plate LXII. Surgical techniques performed on the scrotum.
  • Plate LII. Surgical technique for nasal polypi and hare-lip.
  • Plate LXIII. Surgical techniques performed on male genitalia.
  • Plate XV. Ligature of the arteries of the trunk.
  • Plate LVII. Suturing techniques practised on the small intestines.
  • Plate LXVI. Surgical technique for lithotomy.
  • Plate XXV. Resection of the upper jaw.
  • Plate LXX. Surgical technique for lithotomy.
  • Plate LXXVIII. Surgical techniques to repair club-foot.
  • Plate XXXII. Resection of the bones of the ankle and foot.
  • Plate XLIX. Various surgical treatments on the eye.
  • Plate LIII. Surgical technique to remove a salivary fistula.
  • Plate LXXI. Suturing technique performed on the perineum.
  • Plate XXIV. Trepanning or trephining of the cranium.
  • Plate LVI. Surgery for the removal of the mammary gland.
  • Plate LI. Surgery on the cavities of the face and throat.
  • Plate LIX. Surgical anatomy of a hernia.
  • Plate LXVII. Surgical technique for lithotomy.
  • Plate VI. Various instruments and techniques used in surgery. Illustration of seton, moxa, acupuntcture needles, sutures, and cauteries.
  • Plate XXVI. Resection of the lower jaw.
  • Plate LVIII. Surgical technique for the repair of a hernia.
  • Plate LXV. Surgical anatomy for the puncture of the bladder.
  • Plate LXVIII. Surgical technique for lithotripsy.