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124 results filtered with: Military Medicine
  • A report on amputations at the hip-joint in military surgery / by George A. Otis.
  • The real triumph of Japan : the conquest of the silent foe / by Louis Livingston Seaman.
  • Les chirurgiens de l'armée française en Kabylie.
  • A report on amputations at the hip-joint in military surgery / by George A. Otis.
  • "The absent-minded beggar" / [Bovril Limited].
  • Experiences of a woman doctor in Serbia / by Dr. Caroline Matthews.
  • A case for "Blighty" : Canadian official / Pictorial Newspaper Co. (1910), Ltd.
  • British official War Office photo, crown copyright reserved, BH 24573 : mountain warfare equipment  / Central Press Photos.
  • War surgery : from firing-line to base / by Basil Hughes and H.Stanley Banks ; with special chapters by L.F. Smith and C. Bilton ; and an introduction by T.Crisp English.
  • Spanish soldiers returning from the fighting line : the above picture shows wounded Spanish soldiers being conveyed to the hospital during the fighting now taking place at Melilla between the Spanish troops and the Moorish tribesmen.
  • War surgery : from firing-line to base / by Basil Hughes and H.Stanley Banks ; with special chapters by L.F. Smith and C. Bilton ; and an introduction by T.Crisp English.
  • Certificate "B" / Officers Training Corps.
  • In arduis fidelis : with best wishes for Christmas and the new year from / Royal Army Medical Corps.
  • On gun-shot wounds of the extremities, requiring the different operations of amputation, with their after-treatment: establishing the advantages of amputation on the field of battle. To the delay usually recommended, &c. &c &c., with four explanatory plates / By G. J. Guthrie.
  • Personalausweis : Der / Die ... geboren am ... in ... wird ausschließlich im Sanitätsdienst der Wehrmacht als Angehörige(r) der Freiwilligen Krankenpflege verwendet ... / Wehrmacht des Deutschen Reiches.
  • Practical observations in surgery: more particularly as regards the Naval and Military Service / Illustrated by cases, and various official documents.
  • A skirmish on the railway line in Manchuria : a Russian hospital train collecting the wounded (from a sketch by a Russian artist-correspondent).
  • A contribution to the sanitary history of the British army during the late war with Russia.
  • Practical observations in surgery: more particularly as regards the Naval and Military Service / Illustrated by cases, and various official documents.
  • They hopped me here, they hopped me there until I felt quite balmy, they felt my pulse an' tol me to 'Cough!' an' passed me into the army / Inter-Art Co.
  • With the field hospitals of the Italians : illustrated from direct photographic views obtained in Tripoli, November,  1911.
  • With the field hospitals of the Italians : illustrated from direct photographic views obtained in Tripoli, November,  1911.
  • Reception and banquet by the Corporation of London at Guildhall on Friday the 10th May 1929 : the Rt. Hon. Sir J.E. Kynaston Studd ...
  • Recueil de mémoires de chirurgie / par le baron D.J. Larrey.
  • Notes on matters affecting the health, efficiency, and hospital administration of the British Army : founded chiefly on the experience of the late war / by Florence Nightingale ; presented by request to the Secretary of State for War.
  • Join the Penny-a-Week Fund and keep the Red Cross in action : this appeal is made on behalf of the War Organisation of the British Red Cross Society and the Order of St.John of Jerusalem, registered under the War Charoities Act, 1940.
  • Reception and banquet by the Corporation of London at Guildhall on Friday the 10th May 1929 : the Rt. Hon. Sir J.E. Kynaston Studd ...
  • The soldier's heart and the effort syndrome / by Thomas Lewis.
  • Invalided soldiers in the garden of Fort Pitt, Chatham.
  • A report on amputations at the hip-joint in military surgery / by George A. Otis.