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80 results filtered with: Monks
  • The body of Saint Bruno is laid out in state and surrounded by mourning Carthusian monks. Etching with engraving after E. Le Sueur.
  • A wounded British soldier being visited in an Egyptian hospital by a monk, a sister of mercy and a chaplain. Wood engraving after F. Villiers.
  • St. John of God carrying a sick patient from a hospital ward. Line engraving by G. Petrini.
  • A brick house with three gables, Well Street, Hackney, London, once used as a Priory. Engraving.
  • "Come and taste Burgess' "MM" : it is the nicest pickle I know of / John Burgess & Son.
  • Saint Faith, holding a gridiron, being addressed in prayer by a monk; the Crucifixion below. Etching after J. Schnebbelie, 1821.
  • A bearded elderly man, carrying a prayer wheel and a rosary, in a studio setting.
  • An old monk in his habit drinks from a large glass and waves with his left hand. Engraving.
  • A dying man in bed being read the last rites. Lithograph by F. Piloty after L. Bramer.
  • Costume of the Order of St. Lazarus, 15th century.
  • Burma: a monastery with ascetics or holy men outside; a group of monks giving or receiving pots; a mast with a snake descending from it; people processing foodstuffs. Gouache painting.
  • Monks singing the Liturgy of the Hours; one monk doing penance. Etching by J.J. de Boissieu, 1795.
  • Bethlehem: a monk praying in the chapel of the Nativity. Chromolithograph by H. Clerget and J. Gaildrau after F.E. Pâris, 1862.
  • Creak Priory, Norfolk, England: ruins. Etching by Saml. & Nathl. Buck, 1738, after himselves.
  • A monk, praying by a brick wall, turns into a turkey; above, a modest nun with a purple veil, with whom he is in love. Watercolour by M. Bishop, 1969.
  • The deathbed of Saint Ivo of Kermartin. Process print after G. Mailand (?), 1837.
  • A winged devil figure riding on a cat awakening some monks by blowing on them. Etching by F. Goya, 1796/1798.
  • A girl making her confession to a monk from her sick bed. Lithograph by J. Woelfjle, after C. van Beveran.
  • Saint Camillus de Lellis rescuing lives and offering shelter from the flooding Tiber, Rome. Line engraving by J. and J. Klauber.
  • Travelers receiving alms and food from a Capuchin monastery. Line engraving by J. Moyreau, 1750, after P. Wouvermans.
  • Spa, Belgium: monks and visitors at the fountains of Sauveniere and Groisbeeck. Engraving by M.B. Wachsmuth after A. Le Loup, 1762.
  • The Hôtel Dieu, Paris: interior showing patients being nursed by monks and nuns. Woodcut.
  • Monks carrying a corpse in a religious funeral procession, passers-by pay respect. Coloured aquatint.
  • Cleanliness is next to godliness.
  • Lourdes, Haute Pyrénées, France: Père Marie Antoine addressing newly arrived pilgrims. Wood engraving.
  • The interior of a Capuchin monastery, with monks at their devotions. Mezzotint by W. Giller after Granet.
  • Queen Eleanor sucking the poison from King Edward I's arm. Line engraving by Brown after W.M. Craig.
  • Music being played to a lady, while above an angel blows a trumpet into Jerome's ear; representing the sense of hearing. Engraving after G. Collaert, 1630, after N. van der Horst.
  • The Virgin and Child appear to Saint Bruno. Drawing by F. Rosaspina, c. 1830, after G.F. Barbieri, il Guercino, 1647.
  • A monk, praying by a brick wall, turns into a turkey; above, a modest nun with a purple veil, with whom he is in love. Watercolour by M. Bishop, 1969.