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34 results filtered with: Pediatrics
  • MS Japanese 25
  • Focus on paediatrics in general practice : Duphalac.
  • MS Japanese 25
  • Essays on the diseases of children with cases and dissections. Vol. I. Containing: Essay 1, Of cynanche trachealis, or croup; Essay 2, Of the bowel complaints / By John Cheyne.
  • Verhandelinge van de opvoedinge en ziekten der kinderen : vertoonende op wat wyse de kinderen gezond konnen blyven, en ziek zijnde, bequamelyk konnen herstelt werden zeer nodig voor alle huyshoudende lieden / door Steph. Blankaart.
  • MS Japanese 25
  • Childbirth, or the happie deliverie of women. Wherein is set downe the gouernment of women ... together with the diseases which happen to women. To which is added, a treatise of the diseases of infants, and young children: with the cure of them / Written in French by Iames Gvillimeav.
  • The diseases of infancy and childhood : designed for the use of students and practitioners of medicine / by Henry Koplik.
  • MS Japanese 25
  • Erstlinge der pädiatrischen Literatur : drei Wiegendrucke über Heilung und Pflege des Kindes / in Faksimile herausgegeben und in die literarische Gesamtentwicklung des Faches hineingestellt von Prof. Dr. Karl Sudhoff.
  • Childbirth, or the happie deliverie of women. Wherein is set downe the gouernment of women ... together with the diseases which happen to women. To which is added, a treatise of the diseases of infants, and young children: with the cure of them / Written in French by Iames Gvillimeav.
  • MS Japanese 25
  • MS Japanese 25
  • Focus on paediatrics in general practice : Duphalac.
  • De morbis acutis infantum / autore Gualtero Harris.
  • De morbis puerorum, or, a treatise of the diseases of children; with their causes, signs, prognosticks, and cures. For the benefit of such as do not understand the Latine tongue, and very useful for all such as are house-keepers, and have children ... / by Robert Pemell.
  • MS Japanese 25
  • Childbirth, or the happie deliverie of women. Wherein is set downe the gouernment of women ... together with the diseases which happen to women. To which is added, a treatise of the diseases of infants, and young children: with the cure of them / Written in French by Iames Gvillimeav.
  • An essay on the diseases most fatal to infants. To which are added rules to be observed in the nursing of children: with a particular view to those who are brought up by hand ... / [George Armstrong].
  • The Journal of pediatrics.
  • Liber ad Almansorem / Contenta in hoc volumine. Liber Rasis ad Almansorem [and others].
  • Traité de médecine des enfants / publiée sous la direction de P. Nobécourt et L. Babonneix ; secrétaires de la rédaction: J. Cathala et J. Hutinel.
  • MS Japanese 25
  • De morbis acutis infantum / autore Gualtero Harris.
  • Liber ad Almansorem / Contenta in hoc volumine. Liber Rasis ad Almansorem [and others].
  • The diseases of infancy and childhood : designed for the use of students and practitioners of medicine / by Henry Koplik.
  • Friday 4th October 2002 : Jeans for genes day : be a star for a day... : by wearing your jeans to work on Jeans for genes day.
  • Focus on paediatrics in general practice : Duphalac.
  • De infantium sive puerorum, morborum, & symptomatum, dignotione, tum curatione liber: ex Graecorum, Latinorum & Arabum placitis, at[que] scitis diligenter erutus, concinnatus, & in publicam utilitatem editus, à Sebastiano Austrio Rubeaquensi, ... Adjecti sunt in frontispicio Hippocratis, Aphorismi, nouiter natorum adfectus enumerantes. In calce uero huius libri, Aphoristici sensus alij, ex autoribus hincinde citati. Eorundem de bona ualetudine tuenda, praescribentes praecepta.
  • Liber ad Almansorem / Contenta in hoc volumine. Liber Rasis ad Almansorem [and others].