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85 results filtered with: Philosophers
  • The school of Athens: a gathering of ancient philosophers. Engraving by G. Mochetti after Raphael.
  • A philosopher with a celestial globe. Oil painting, ca. 162-.
  • A philosopher in his study, reading a book containing a print of a skeleton. Etching by J.A. von Prenner, 1728, after C. Paudiss.
  • Sixteen portraits of classical poets and thinkers. Drawing, c. 1789.
  • A philosopher in his study, with two children. Oil painting by Thomas Wijck (Thomas Wyck).
  • A savant in his cabinet, surrounded by chemical and other apparatus, examining a flask. Oil painting by Mattheus van Helmont, 167-.
  • Francis Bacon and William Brouncker flanking a bust of King Charles II set on a pedestal, surrounded by symbols of scientific learning representing the Royal Society. Etching by W. Hollar, 1667, after J. Evelyn.
  • Plato discussing philosophical matters with others in the garden of the Academia. Etching by Salvator Rosa.
  • Prelates: twenty portraits. Engraving by J.W. Cook, 1825.
  • Churchmen: twenty portraits of religious thinkers. Engraving by J.W. Cook, 1825.
  • Popes and other churchmen: twenty portraits. Engraving by J.W. Cook, 1825.
  • The school of Athens: a gathering of Greek philosophers disputing with Saint Paul the Apostle. Engraving by G. Ghisi, 1550, after Raphael.
  • A philosopher with a celestial globe. Oil painting, ca. 162-.
  • Eight likenesses of Socrates. Two drawings, c. 1789.
  • A philosopher in his study, with two children. Oil painting by Thomas Wijck (Thomas Wyck).
  • René Descartes: portrait. Drawing, c. 1794.
  • Sixteen portraits of classical poets and thinkers. Drawing, c. 1789.
  • A savant in his cabinet, surrounded by chemical and other apparatus, examining a flask. Oil painting by Mattheus van Helmont, 167-.
  • A philosopher with a celestial globe. Oil painting, ca. 162-.
  • Nicolas Copernicus among other astronomers of the world. Process print after a wood engraving by J. Styfi and J. Holewinski, 18--, after M.E. Andirolli, 1873.
  • A philosopher seated at a table covered with large folio volumes and a globe; right, a winding staircase. Etching by L. Surugue, 1753.
  • King James I and VI, with four Scottish writers: Robert Burns, John (?) Home, Allan Ramsay, and James Beattie. Engraving.
  • A young couple visit a savant who consults ancient volumes in order to provide counselling to them. Oil painting by Edouard-Henri-Théophile Pingret, 1833 (?).
  • A physician-virtuoso in his cabinet, examining a flask of urine brought by a lady. Oil painting by a painter in the circle of Gerard Thomas, early 18th century.
  • John Locke: frontal view of bust. Drawing, c. 1789, after D.N. Chodowiecki.
  • Adam Walker, a natural philosopher, performing scientific experiments. Coloured etching after J. Gillray, 1796.
  • Mathematicians and astronomers: twenty portraits. Engraving by J.W. Cook, 1825.
  • The School of Athens: a key to the figures in the centre of the composition. Engraving by G. Volpato, after Raphael.
  • A philosopher in his study, with two children. Oil painting by Thomas Wijck (Thomas Wyck).
  • A seething mass of people driven by a multitude of different wills; representing the levelling of life by death. Etching by G.M. Mitelli after himself, 1690.