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13 results filtered with: Samuel (Biblical judge)
  • The child Samuel tells the priest Eli of the fate God has in store for him. Engraving by H. Moses, 1829, after J.S. Copley.
  • The witch of Endor conjures the ghost of Samuel; Saul bows before him on the right. Etching, 18th century.
  • Saul collapses as the witch of Endor conjures Samuel from the dead. Wood engraving after J. Schnorr von Carolsfeld.
  • A radiant Samuel brings word from God to Eli. Line engraving by A.W. Warren, 1816, after E. Bird.
  • Saul bows to Samuel after the witch of Endor has conjured him from the dead. Mezzotint, 1795.
  • Elkanah and Hannah discuss the weaning of Samuel. Mezzotint by G. Graham, 1815.
  • The canonised Joshua and Samuel. Lithograph by J.G. Schreiner, c. 1840.
  • The child Samuel tells Eli about God's displeasure with him. Wood engraving by A.R. Branston after R. Westall.
  • Saul consults Samuel after the witch of Endor has conjured him from the dead; demons crowd the background. Engraving by J. Taylor after S. Rosa, 1813.
  • Saul consults Samuel after the witch of Endor has conjured him from the dead; demons crowd the background. Engraving by A. Laurent, 17--, after S. Rosa.
  • The child Samuel is laid down to sleep and the hushed priests await his prophecies; the elaborate surrounding panel is decorated with florid demons. Engraving.
  • The witch of Endor conjures up the ghost of Samuel at the request of Saul, who lies petrified on the ground. Engraving by R.I. Martin after B. West.
  • The witch of Endor conjures up the ghost of Samuel at the request of Saul, who lies petrified on the ground. Engraving by W. Raddon, 1811, after B. West.