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34 results filtered with: Serpents in the Bible
  • The serpent entwines itself around the body of Eve; it whispers in her ear, enticing her to eat the forbidden fruit. Photogravure by Lemercier and co. after Walter Crane, 1899.
  • Moses with his rod and his brazen serpent. Engraving by J. Hall, 1793, after B. West.
  • Adam and Eve with the serpent and other animals in the garden of Eden. Engraving by C.J. Visscher after N. de Bruyn.
  • Moses points to the brazen serpent while his people writhe on the ground, besieged by fiery serpents. Etching by G. Cooke, 1816, after C. le Brun.
  • God looks on unimpressed as Adam blames Eve for the transgression. Engraving by P.I. Drevet, c. 1720, after N. Coypel.
  • Moses presents his brazen serpent to the people. Woodcut after Robert Anning Bell, c. 1890.
  • Scenes from the life of Moses before the Exodus. Etching, 1799.
  • The serpent passes the fruit to Eve while Adam holds onto a branch. Line engraving after A. Durer.
  • Eve picks the apple from the tree as the serpent emerges. Etching by J.E. Ridinger after himself, c. 1750.
  • Eve receives the forbidden fruit from a serpent in the shape of a woman; the angel expels Adam and Eve from paradise. Engraving by A. Capellan, 1772, after Michelangelo.
  • Moses points to the brazen serpent while his people carry their wounded towards it. Etching.
  • Adam and Eve by Albrecht Dürer with a red apple and green serpent; representing sex as a source of transmission of AIDS. Colour lithograph, ca. 1997 (?).
  • Saint Paul, shipwrecked on Malta, is attacked by a snake which he shakes off into a fire; it does not harm him and the onlookers take him for a god. Etching after J. Thornhill.
  • Moses and Eleazar show the brazen serpent before the writhing multitude afflicted with snake-bites. Engraving by S. à Bolswert after P.P. Rubens, ca. 1635-40.
  • The Fall: Adam and Eve driven out by the Angel for eating the forbidden fruit. Etching by C. Lasinio after Masaccio and Masolino.
  • A woman-serpent bends around the Tree of Knowledge as Adam and Eve reach into the branches. Line engraving by T. de Bry after J. van Winghe.
  • A huge angel stands atop Noah's ark, its back turned towards the entwined mass of drowning creatures; people pray and one holds her baby aloft; serpents tussle among the dying. Etching by L. Friedrich after W. Kaulbach.
  • The temptation of Adam. Lithograph by N. Consoni after Raphael.
  • The Israelites afflicted by a plague of serpents; two men worshipping the brazen serpent erected by Moses. Engraving by M. Coxcie, 15--.
  • Lucifer's angels tumble out of heaven, their limbs entwined. Etching by R. Pranker, 176-.
  • Adam and Eve expelled from Eden by an angel with a flaming sword. Line engraving by R. Sadeler after M. de Vos, 1583.
  • Adam and Eve cover their nakedness as God makes his wrath felt in the Garden of Eden. Etching by J.E. Ridinger after himself, c. 1750.
  • Saint Paul shipwrecked on Malta. Etching by F. Bartolozzi, 1791, after B. West.
  • Saint Paul shipwrecked on Malta. Etching by F. Bartolozzi, 1791, after B. West.
  • God creates Eve; she tempts Adam. Engraving by Scotin, c. 1765.
  • People writhe in pain among the fiery serpents as Moses produces the brazen serpent. Line engraving after F. Fenzoni.
  • Moses and Eleazar reveal the brazen serpent to the people afflicted with snakebite. Lithograph by A. Blanco after P.P. Rubens.
  • In the Garden of Eden, Eve offers Adam the apple. Line engraving by C. Galle after G.B. Paggi.
  • Adam and Eve expelled from Eden by an angel. Etching by H. Winstanley after G. Reni, 1728.
  • A serpent with a woman's head lurks in the Tree of Knowledge above Adam and Eve. Chromolithograph after Masolino.