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189 results filtered with: Sexually transmitted diseases
  • The side profile of the face of Gladys, a black woman with red lips with speech bubbles containing a conversation with Steve about the use of condoms; advertisement for safe sex by the N.I.A.D. (Nederlands Instituut voor Alcohol en Drugs). Colour lithograph by Laren, Tadberg Design.
  • Recto: a woman holds up a condom to a man in bed as cupid aims to shoot a heart arrow towards them; verso: numerous cupids with condoms attached to his arrow with four cartoon vignettes and text relating to safe sex, STI's and condoms; an advertisement by SOA Stichting. Colour lithograph by Gerrit de Jager, January 1992.
  • An American serviceman clutching the letters "VD" like prison-bars from which he yearns to be released. Colour lithograph, ca. 1950 (?).
  • Female catkins on a willow tree, representing an archaic Chinese nickname for sexually transmitted diseases, with the message that AIDS is worse. Colour lithograph by AIDS Concern, Hong Kong, ca. 1997.
  • A question mark featuring black and white silhouette figures and a green figure in the dot; an advertisement for the Stop AIDS Kanagawa campaign as part of the 10th International Conference on AIDS and STD in 1994. Colour lithograph, 1994.
  • People raising their hands towards a circle bearing a college scene of a young man and woman with another man reading beside lockers; advertisement for a campaign for schools against AIDS. Colour lithograph for the Government of Québec.
  • Two men walk down a street with heads together in an image pixelated at the edge; an advertisement for the Terrence Higgins Trust helpline for advice about safe sex in AIDS prevention. Colour lithograph, 1994.
  • Crabs representing a nickname for pubic lice or 'VD' with chinese lettering; a safe-sex advertisement by AIDS Concern, Hong Kong. Colour lithograph, ca. 1997.
  • Philippe Ricord. Coloured wood engraving (?), 1867, after A. Gill.
  • Two men caressing in an image pixelated at the edge; an advertisement for the Terrence Higgins Trust helpline for advice about safe sex in AIDS prevention. Colour lithograph, 1994.
  • Doctor Cromm talks to a diseased prostitute; surrounded by macabre symbols of contemporary French politics. Lithograph by Félicien Rops.
  • A rent-boy leans against a bar holding a glass with a message endorsing safe sex. Colour lithograph for the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V., 199-.
  • A map of Zambia containing numerous women saying no to sex before marriage; a safe-sex and AIDS prevention advertisement by the Anti-AIDS Project and Copperbelt Health Education Project in Zambia. Colour lithograph, ca. 1996.
  • Information on the STD/AIDS Hotline by the Waikiki Health Center. Colour lithograph.
  • A baby crawling to the left representing a warning about good sexual health to prevent birth defects, STDs and AIDS (Hindi version); a warning to seek treatment for STD's by the National AIDS Control Project in New Delhi. Colour lithograph, 1995.
  • The refurbishment (or building) of a Lock Hospital; men with various ailments are stepping out of Pandora's box; a rich, smiling, doctor drives by in a carriage. Coloured etching by T. Williamson, 1802.
  • Series of graphic hearts with a block of text about HIV and AIDS; an advertisement for the National Aids Helpline by the Liverpool Health Promotion Service. Colour lithograph, 1997.
  • A woman's dress and a man's pair of trousers hanging over a chair with a message addressed to Valérie: "When you make love with Sophie, think about protection ... to avoid spreading sexually transmitted diseases and HIV"; advertisement for the SIDA Info Service by the Ministère de la Santé Publique et de l'Assurance Maladie. Colour lithograph.
  • A gentleman compares the size of his syringe with a physician's clyster; he says that his is for the other side of the body. Process print after J-A. Faivre, 1902.
  • An advertisement for safe sex by the Terrence Higgins Trust depicting two naked men in a swimming pool. Colour lithograph.
  • A pair of men's boots and a pair of shoes on floor boards with a message addressed to Jérôme: "When you make love with Gilles, think about protection" with a warning to homosexuals that condoms are the best protection against HIV and STD's when practising anal penetration; advertisement for the Ecoute Gaie and SIDA Info Service by the Ministère de la Santé Publique et de l'Assurance Maladie. Colour lithograph.
  • A man sitting on the edge of a bed beside a woman who is holding up packets of condoms; an advertisement for safe sex to prevent AIDS by the STD/AIDS Control Programme, Ministry of Health, Uganda. Colour lithograph by Tahley (?), ca. 1995.
  • Hygiene in the British army in Italy: a soldier interprets a statue of Venus lacking the head and an arm as the consequences of venereal disease. Drawing by Stacey Hopper, ca. 1944.
  • An American sailor sits disconsolately in his pyjamas, regretting his infection with a venereal disease incurable with penicillin. Colour lithograph, ca. 1948.
  • A list of 6 key messages about HIV/AIDS, STD's and pregnancy for young people in Jamaica by the Jamaica Red Cross Society. Colour lithograph, ca. 1995.
  • A serviceman prevented by venereal disease from joining his ship. Colour lithograph by F.O. Schiffers, 1946.
  • Pharmaceutical bill-head of Injection Brou: the head of Hippocrates, a couple in a forest and ballet dancers. Etching, 186-.
  • A cream condom with a gradually fading list of sexually transmitted diseases crossed out representing an advertisement for safe sex to prevent AIDS by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health Consumption in Spain. Colour lithograph, ca. 1996.
  • Disease and organs treated by a vodoo practitioner in Benin. Acrylic paintings, 199-.
  • The male sign incorporated in the word 'anonyme' representing an advertisement for free testing for HIV/AIDS by the Gouvernement du Québec Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux Centre de coordination sur le sida. Colour lithograph.