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29 results filtered with: Storms
  • A young barefoot shepherdess and a little girl take refuge near a shrine during a storm. Lithograph by Z. Belliard after M.-Ph. Coupin de La Couperie.
  • A storm over a Dutch landscape. Etching after Rembrandt van Rijn.
  • Grace Darling rowing out to sea in a furious storm. Colour wood engraving by E. Evans after C.J. Staniland.
  • An episode in 'Jack Sheppard' by  W.H. Ainsworth: Owen Wood, on the river Thames in a stormy night, rescues the child Jack Sheppard. Etching by G. Cruikshank, 1839.
  • A woman and a dog hurrying from an approaching storm. Gouache.
  • A storm at sea, with a sailing ship being wrecked on rocks. Etching by Claude Lorrain, ca. 1635-1640.
  • Christ and the apostles in the storm on the sea of Galilee. Etching by J. Fittler after Rembrandt.
  • Lot and his family flee Sodom as it burns; Lot's wife faces the terrible scene, aghast. Coloured lithograph after J. Martin.
  • A storm in a wild and rocky landscape: lightning flashes while a man drives a a coach and four hourses through the darkness. Mezzotint by S.W. Reynolds the elder after G. Morland, 1798.
  • The fall of Babylon; Cyrus the Great defeating the Chaldean army. Mezzotint by J. Martin, 1831, after himself, 1819.
  • A thunder storm approaching a farm, the workers moving the animals into shelter. Engraving by B. Crivellari after M. Ricci.
  • Peter walks on water towards Christ. Etching.
  • A Zulu medicine man or shaman performing a ritual to fend off a hailstorm, South Africa. Halftone after Trappist Mission, Natal.
  • The flood: women shelter in fear by a tree, as the deluge sweeps the land. Engraving by L. Truchy.
  • An obese midwife on her way to a labour in the early hours of the morning. Coloured etching by T. Rowlandson, 1811.
  • A man clinging to a rock on the shore during a storm. Engraving by T. Medland, 1790, after T. Stothard.
  • A storm at sea. Engraving.
  • A Zulu medicine man or shaman performing a ritual to fend off a hailstorm, South Africa. Halftone after Trappist Mission, Natal.
  • Cain kills Abel under a stormy sky. Wood engraving by H. Pisan after G. Dore.
  • A stormy sea with three seagulls. Gouache, 18--.
  • The word 'AIDS' in Hindi (in red) above the black silhouette of a couple lit from the side by forked lightning from a storm brewing up behind them representing the dangers of practising unprotected sex and contracting AIDS. Colour lithograph, ca. 1995.
  • Doctors at work during a storm on a battlefield at Sinankeui, China. Wood engraving after W. Small.
  • Christ and the apostles in the storm on the sea of Galilee. Mezzotint after Rembrandt.
  • A storm of thunder and lightning, rain, wind and floods threaten an ancient town on the sea-coast; representing conflict. Engraving by S. à Bolswert after Sir P.P. Rubens.
  • A Dutch landscape: fields, a farmer in an oxcart, and, in the centre foreground, a dead tree. Etching by W. Baillie, 1760.
  • An obese midwife on her way to a labour in the early hours of the morning. Coloured etching by T. Rowlandson, 1811.
  • A thunderstorm, with rain beating down on travellers in a mountain pass. Engraving by H. C. Shenton after L. Clennell.
  • An obese midwife on her way to a labour in the early hours of the morning. Coloured etching by T. Rowlandson, 1811.
  • A storm at sea. Engraving.