1,263 results filtered with: Medicine - Early works to 1800
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A treatise on experience in physic ... / [Johann Georg Zimmermann].
Zimmermann, Johann Georg, 1728-1795.Date: 1782- Books
Iacobi Primerosii doctoris medici De vulgi erroribvs in medicina, libri IV. I. De erroribus circa medicos. II. De erroribus circa morbos quosdam, et eorum cognitionem. III. De erroribus circa victus rationem sanorum et aegrorum. IV. De erroribus circa remediorum usum / [James Primerose].
Primerose, James, approximately 1598-1659.Date: 1639- Books
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The vvhole worke of that famous chirurgion Maister Iohn Vigo : newly corrected, by men skilfull in that arte. Wherevnto are annexed certain works, / compiled and published by Thomas Gale, Maister in Chirurgerie.
Vigo, Giovanni da, 1450?-1525Date: 1586- Books
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Formerly of Coleman-street : At the Hospital Gate in Smithfield, next door to the coffeehouse, liveth a doctor of physick; who, first in astrology, resolveth all lawful questions belonging to the body or estate of man.
Crawford, Henry, active 1676-1677Date: [1690?]- Books
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Sidrophel vapulans, or, The quack-astrologer toss'd in a blanket / by the author of Medicaster medicatus ; in an epistle to W---m S---n [i.e. William Salmon] ; with a postscript, reflecting briefly on his late scurilous libel against the Royal College of Physicians, entituled, A rebuke to the authors of the blue book, by the same hand.
Yonge, James, 1647-1721Date: 1699- Books
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Pharmacopoeia Collegii Regalis Londini.
Royal College of Physicians of LondonDate: 1682- Books
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Scorbutus & Chlorosis oriuntur à torpore spirituum animalium.
Morley, Charles, 1662-Date: 1698- Books
Medicine in the days of Shakespeare / by Herbert R. Spencer.
Spencer, Herbert R. (Herbert Ritchie), 1860-1941.Date: 1929- Books
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Thomae Sydenham ... Opera universa : in quibus non solummodò morborum acutorum historiae & curationes novâ & exquisitâ methodo diligentissimè traduntur, verùm etiam morborum ferè omnium chronicorum curatio brevissima, pariter ac fidelissima in publici commodum exhibetur / [Thomas Sydenham].
Sydenham, Thomas, 1624-1689.Date: 1705- Books
Kranksein und Heilung bei Paracelsus / Heinrich Schipperges.
Schipperges, Heinrich.Date: 1978- Books
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The Art of chirurgery explained in six parts : part I. Of tumors, in forty six chapters, part II. Of ulcers, in nineteen chapters, part III. Of the skin, hair and nails, in two sections and nineteen chapters, part IV. Of wounds, in twenty four chapters, part V, Of fractures, in twenty two chapters, Part VI. Of luxations, in thirteen chapters : being the whole Fifth book of practical physick / by Daniel Sennertus ... R.W., Nicholas Culpepper ... Abdiah Cole.
Date: 1663- Books
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Here beginneth the seing of urynes, and of all the colours that urynes be of : with the medicynes annexed to euery uryne, and euery urnye his urinall, muche profytable for euery man to know.
Date: [1575?]]- Books
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Pharmacopœa Londinensis : in qua medicamenta antiqua et nova vsitatissima, sedulò collecta, accuratissimè examinata, quotidiana experientia confirmata describuntur. Opera Medicorum Collegij Londinensis. Ex serenissimi Regis mandato cum R.M. Priuilegio.
Royal College of Physicians of LondonDate: 1618- Books
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[A rich storehouse or treasurie for the diseased] : [Wherein are many approued medicines for diuers and sundry diseases, which haue beene long hidden, and not come to light before this time. First set forth for the benefit and comfort of the poorer sort of people, that are not of abilitie to goe to the physicions.] / [By G.W.].
A. T., practitioner in physickeDate: [1630]- Books
Thomas Bartholin : the Anatomy House in Copenhagen : briefly described / edited by Niels W. Bruun ; introduction by Morten Fink-Jensen ; English translation by Peter Fisher.
Date: [2015]- Books
Guydos questions / Guido de Cauliaco.
Date: [1968]- Books
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Culpeper's last legacy : left and bequeathed to his dearest wife for the publike good : being the choicest and most profitable of those secrets which while he lived were lockt up in his breast and resolved never to be publisht till after his death : containing sundry admirable experiences in severall sciences more especially in chyrurgery and physick ... / by Nicholas Culpeper.
Culpeper, Nicholas, 1616-1654Date: 1657- Books
Opera medica, in tres tomos distributa. I. De phthisi. II. De morbis universal acutis. III. De febribus inflammatoriis / Richardi Morton.
Morton, Richard, 1637-1698.Date: 1696- Books
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Praxeos mayernianæ : in morbis internis præcipue gravioribus & chronicis syntagma, ex adversariis, consiliis ac epistolis ejus, summâ curâ ac diligentiâ concinnatum.
Mayerne, Théodore Turquet de, Sir, 1573-1655Date: 1690- Books
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The surgeons guid: or Military and domestique surgery : Discovering plainly and faithfully the exact cures of wounds made by gun-shot, or otherwise. Wounds, aposthumes, ulcers, fistula's, fractures, dislocations; with the most easie and safest wayes of curing withered and consumed members without amputation or dismembring. Also, the preparing of all kinds of balm's, salves, plaisters, oyntments, oyles, blood-stenchers, potions, tents, corrosives, used by surgeons: with, a guid for women in the nursing of their new-born children. Written, by Felix Wurtz, a famous and renowned surgeon in the city of Basell, printed twenty eight several times in the German tongue, and now published in the English tongue for the good of all practitioners in surgery.
Würtz, Felix, 1518-1575?Date: 1658- Pictures
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Johannes Vesling, seated below a swag of surgical instruments, indicates illustrations of the heart in a book displayed by a skeletal corpse. Engraving 1666.
Date: 1666Reference: 25042i- Books
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This is the glasse of helth : A great treasure for pore men, necessary and nedefull for euery person to loke in, y[t] wyll kepe theyr body from syckenesses, and dyseases: and it sheweth how the planettes reygne in euery houre of the daye & the nyght, with the natures & exposicions of the .xii. sygnes, deuyded by the .xii. monethes of the yere. And after foloweth of all the euyll and daungerous dayes of the yere. And sheweth the remedyes, for dyuers infyrmyties and dyseases, that hurteth the body of man.
Moulton, ThomasDate: [1547?]- Books
Epitome opusculi de curandis pusculis ulceribus, & doloribus morbi Gallici, mali frantzoss appellati / autore Laurentio Phrisio, artium & medicinae doctore.
Fries, Lorenz, approximately 1490-1531Date: [1532]- Books
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Archibaldi Pitcarnii oratio, quâ ostenditur medicinam ab omni philosophorum sectâ esse liberam : Et exemplo docetur quantam utilitatem medicis affere possit Mathesis. Habita Lugduni. Batavorum 26. Aprili, anno 1692. Stylo novo, cum professione medicam auspicaretur.
Pitcairn, Archibald, 1652-1713Date: Anno Dom: 1696- Books
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The good husvvifes ievvell : VVherein is to be found most excellent and rare deuises for conceits in cookerie, found out by the practise of Thomas Dawson. Whereunto is adioyned sundry approued reseits for many soueraine oyles, and the way to distill many precious waters, with diuers approued medicines for many diseases. Also certaine approued points of husbandry, very necessarie for all husbandmen to know.
Dawson, ThomasDate: 1587