13 results filtered with: Brunonianism
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An account of the various systems of medicine, from the days of Hipocrates [sic] to the present time : collected from the best Latin, French and English authors, particularly from the works of John Brown ... / by Francis Carter.
Carter, Frank (Francis)Date: 1788- Books
- Online
Joseph Salomon Frank's, der Arzneywissenschaft Doctors, Versuch einer theoretisch-praktischen Arzneymittellehre, nach den Grundsätzen der Erregungstheorie.
Frank, Joseph Salomon, 1768-1840.Date: 1802- Books
Die Theorie der praktischen Medizin zu Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts : eine historische und wissenschaftstheoretische Untersuchung anhand der "Journal der practischen Arzneykunde und Wundarzneykunst" von Ch. W. Hufeland / Hans Joachim Schwanitz.
Schwanitz, Hans Joachim.Date: 1979- Books
Homöopathie und Brownianismus, 1795-1844 : zwei wissenschaftstheoretische Fallstudien aus der praktischen Medizin / von Hans Joachim Schwanitz.
Schwanitz, Hans Joachim.Date: 1983- Books
Zur Geschichte des pathophysiologischen Denkens : John Brown (1735-1788) und sein System der Medizin / Thomas Henkelmann.
Henkelmann, Thomas, 1951-Date: 1981- Books
- Online
Nouvelle doctrine de Brown : contenant ses élémens, réfutation du système du spasme / par Brown ; ouvrage traduit de l'italien par J.J. Lafont-Gouzi.
Brown, John, 1735-1788.Date: 1805- Books
The elements of medicine of John Brown, M.D / translated from the Latin, with comments and illustrations, by the author.
Brown, John, 1735-1788.Date: 1795- Books
Strictures on the Elementa medicinæ of Doctor Brown / By Phinehas Hedges.
Hedges, Phineas, 1765?-1799.Date: 1795- Books
Melchior Adam Weikard (1742-1803) und sein Weg in den Brownianismus : Medizin zwischen Aufklärung und Romantik eine medizinhistorische Biographie / von Markwart Michler.
Michler, Markwart.Date: 1995- Books
Giuseppe Giannini, 1774-1818 : le traité "Della natura delle febbri e dei metodi di curarle" ... / par Franco Romano Clara.
Clara, Franco Romano.Date: [1975?]- Books
The works of Dr. John Brown : to which is prefixed a biographical account of the author / by William Cullen Brown.
Brown, John, 1735-1788.Date: 1804- Books
Brunonian therapeutics : new wine in old bottles? / by Guenter B. Risse.
Risse, Guenter B., 1932-Date: 1988- Books
- Online
Modern medicine, containing a brief exposition of the principal discoveries and doctrines, with strictures on the present state of medical practice, and an enquiry how far the principles of the healing art may become the subjects of unprofessional research / by David Uwins.
Uwins, David.Date: 1808