/110 Glees, P, and Bailey, R, "Schichtung und Fasergroesse des Tractus spino-thalamicus des Menschen", Monatsschrift fuer Psychiatrie und Neurologie, Vol 122 no 3, 1951; Glees, P, and Bailey, R, "The course and relations of the spino-thalamic tract in man", Report on the Eleventh Congress of Scandinavian Neurologists in Copenhagen, Denmark 1950, 1951
/111 Glees, P, and Cole, J, "Recovery of skilled motor functions after small repeated lesions of motor cortex in macaque", Journal of Neurophysiology, Vol 13, 1950
/112 Glees, P, and Griffith, H, "Bilateral destruction of the hippocampus (Cornu Amonis) in a case of dementia", Monthly Review of Psychiatry and Neurology, Vol 123 no 4/5, 1952
/113 Glees, P, et al, "Der intraspinade Verlauf...", Archiv fuer Psychiatrie und Zeitschrift Neurologie, Vol 187 no 190-204, 1951
/114 Glees, P, et al, "The motor cortex of the macaque", Acta Psychiatrica et Neurologica Scandanavica, Supp 74, 1951
/115 Glees, P, et al, "Der Verlauf der medialen Schleife in Hirnstamm der Katze", Zeitschrift fuer Zellforschung, Vol 35 no5-6, 1951
/116 Goodman, N, "Relation between maternal age at parturition and incidence of mental disorder in offspring", British Journal of Preventive and Social Medicine, Vol 11, 1957
/117 Grad, J, and Sainsbury, P, "Evaluating the community psychiatric service in Chichester", Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly, Vol 44, 1966
/118 Gray, W, "The therapeutic community and evaluation of results", International Journal of Criminology and Penology 1, 1973
/119 Greene, J, "Changes in nursing the mentally sick", International Journal of Nursing Studies, Vol 1, 1963