Perkins. A New Almanack, For The year of Our Lord God 1725. Being the First after Bissextile, or Leap-Year, And from the Worlds Creation, 5674 Years. Composed and chiefly Referred to the famous City of London; but will serve for any part of Great Britain or Ireland. Adorn'd with many curious Physical Receipts, fit and easy to be understood by Country People, for whose Benefit (chiefly) they are inserted; as also, a compendious Chronology of Things worth Remembrance, since the Creation to this present Year; with the Weather, the Rising & Setting of the Sun, Rising, Setting, and Southing of the Moon, a Table of all the Kings and Queens Reigns since K. Egbert. A Table of the High-Ways, and many other useful Things. Made and Set forth by F. Perkins, Student in Physick and the Mathematicks.

  • Perkins, F. (Francis).
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London : printed by R. Bruges, for the Company of Statoners, 1725.

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[38]p. ; 80.

References note

ESTC T54610


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