Clinical work - correspondence

Part of:
Donald Woods Winnicott
  • Archives and manuscripts

About this work


Correspondence with patients, the parents or carers of patients, and with other analysts. In general this is to do with clinical matters although in some cases the letters are social, in which case they may allude to previous treatment.



Physical description

1 box


The letters are held in roughly chronological order. Annotations on some letters indicate that they were originally held in an alphabetical sequence, now dismantled.

Letters were found clipped together, bringing together particular strands of correspondence. In some cases two spans of correspondence may overlap; where this is the case, the group that begins earlier is held first. Only one group of letters spanned more than a few months; this has been extracted from the main series and filed as PP/DWW/D/7.

Finally, a group of standard notes of referral have been filed as PP/DWW/D/6, and undated letters are held in file PP/DWW/D/8 at the end of the sequence. Some case notes have been extracted and added to the relevant position in sections E and F.

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