Philosophical meditations, with divine inferences. Containing, I. The proof of a necessary, Self-Existent, Independent, and Eternal Being. II. The Nature of Eternity and Infinite Space consider'd. III. The Nature of the Punishment of the Wicked; with the Author's Opinion of the Place of Hell. IV. The Nature of the Creation of our Globe the Earth, and Remarks upon the Deluge, with Divine Inferences from every Particular. V. The Ninth Chapter of St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans cleared from the rigid and uncharitable Doctrines of absolute Election and Reprobation, and the contrary proved therefrom; with Remarks upon the pernicious Consequences that have attended those Doctrines, as being destructive of the Nature of Religion and Virtue. VI. The Christian Oeconomy the only true one now in the World. Vii. Religion and virtue recommended to every one's Choice. By Benjamin Parker, Author of a late Discourse on the Longitude at Sea.

  • Parker, Benjamin, -1747.
  • Books
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About this work


London : printed for the author at Mary-Bridge, Derby; and to be had at the Cross-Keys Inn in Wood-Street, MDCCXXXIV. [1734]

Physical description

93,[1]p. ; 80.

References note

ESTC T117720



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