Pocket Diaries of Stanley Browne

Part of:
Browne, Stanley George, CMG, OBE, MD, FRCS, FRCP, DTM (1907-1986)
  • Archives and manuscripts

Collection contents

About this work


These include all his appointments and engagements, plus (particularly pre-World War 2) personal information such as comments on the weather, observations on himself and others and regarding work, a record of what he did that day, birthdays, etc. The series is incomplete and there are no diaries for 1940-1944 the main period of World War Two. From 1945 onwards entries are tend to become more formal, although some still contain a lot of detail. The amount of detail varies from year to year and within each year. There are two diaries each for 1963, 1964 and 1965.

Some diaries of Stanley Browne's father Arthur were mixed up within this series and have been listed separately as A.23/3.



Physical description

55 pocket diaries

Biographical note

Series A.23 was added to Section A in Dec 2006


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