Press Adverts - Dips and Livestock Remedies

  • Cooper McDougall & Robertson Ltd
Mar 1930 - 12 Jan 1943
Part of:
Wellcome Foundation Ltd
  • Archives and manuscripts

About this work


This volume contains 250 numbered pages, but pp. 213 onwards are blank. There are also some blank and unnumbered pages in the volume.

Dates are given for some advertisements, but not for others. Place of publication is given for some advertisements, but not for others. Where these are recorded, apostrophes have been given as in the volume, not necessarily as would have been grammatically correct (the usage of 'Coopers' has been standardised to make the catalogue clearer, and is not as used in the original material). Where no other distinguishing mark is available, the address at the foot of the label has been noted with some descriptions - but only if it is not the Coopers head office in Berkhamsted.

Where the popular 'Old Shep' character has been used in advertisements, this has been indicated separately (where this is not obvious).

There is no original index to this volume.


APPROVED SHEEP DIPS 25 (advertisement for all products used in Ireland, inc Coopers and McDougall's)

ARSENICOL 2 ('Foot Rot cure'), 21 ('Foot Rot will have no terrors ...', Scottish address given), 55 (x3, from 'NFU Record', two from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder'), 105 (from 'N B A & Farming News' & 'Scottish Farmer', Scottish address given), 160 ('It's Fine for Foot Rot!', Old Shep, from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder' May 1939)

BORDER DIP [OR BORDER PASTE DIP] 9 (x2, both with Scottish office address), 16 (x3, inc one special flyer for Highland Show, Dumfries, Jul 1930, two with Scottish address given), 17 ('Wipe out Keds', Scottish address given), 18 ('Stands Alone'), 19 ('Speaks for Itself'), 22 ('Autumn Dipping', Scottish address given), 33 ('for your flock this Autumn'), 34, 35 (x2, 'One Dipping is Enough!' and 'Kills Keds and Destroys the Eggs'), 36 (x4, variations on 'One Autumn Dipping'), 37 (x2, one with Coopers Powder Dip and Highland Special Fly Dip, also Scottish address given), 38 ('Once is Enough'), 42 ('3,000,000 sheep in Scotland alone ' etc, Scottish address given), 49 (from 'N B A & Farming News' and 'Scottish Farmer'), 64 (from 'N B A & Scottish Farmer', Scottish address given), 70 ('Wise man - it's Border Paste Dip', from 'Scottish Farmer' & 'N B Agriculturalist'), 73 ('In the Forefront of Back-end Dips', from 'Cheviot Sheep Society's Handbook'), 107 ('Troubled with Keds? asks Old Shep', from 'N F U Record'), 124 ('Agents: Corlett Sons and Cowley Ltd'), 125 ('That's a fine pen ye've got, Jamie!', this item has come loose from the page), 126 (x3, all from 'Scottish Farmer' & 'N B A', one 'The Lambs are lookin' grand this year, Dad!', one 'Weel, Sandy! Ony keds on the ewes?', one 'Border Paste for auld Kirkton?'), 128 ('Clean ewes - better lamb crop says Old Shep', from 'N F U Record'), 132 ('Good strong 'uns too! says Old Shep'), 133 ('The Shepherd's Tip is Border Dip', photo of aeroplane with banner), 135 ('Clean ewes - better lambs says Old Shep', from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder' 12 Oct 1937), 151 ('I laughs at Winter! says Old Shep', from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder' 6 Sep 1938'), 163 ('The Pick o' the Bunch says Old Shep', from 'Young Farmer' Sep 1939, 'Heavy Quality')

BORDER PASTE DIP / HIGHLAND SPECIAL FLY DIP 28 (with Coopers Worm Tablets, Scottish address given)

CLEAN SHEEP / CLEAN DOGS 35 (Promoting Coopers Powder Dip, Coopers Fluid Sheep Dip, Coopers Worm Tablets, Coopers Marking Fluid, Kur-Mange, Pulvex)

COOPERS CATTLE LOUSE POWDER 21 (x2), 22 (in style of a louse), 23 (x3, two in style of a louse), 24 (Scottish address given), 26 (Proof from 'Irish Weekly Independent', Dublin, Nov ?1930), 37 ('Kill those Lice on your cattle'), 38, 46 ('Hi! Stop those Lice'), 47 (x3, one each from 'Farmers Journal', 'Farmer & Stockbreeder', 'Farmers' Gazette'), 58 (x2, one from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder', other from 'Farmer's Journal'), 59 (from 'Irish Weekly Independent'), 71 ('Kills Lice in Two Shakes' from 'Irish Weekly Independent' & 'Farmers Journal'), 73 ('Kills Lice in Two Shakes', from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder'), 74 ('Kills Lice in Two Shakes', from 'N F U Record'), 75 ('Kills Lice in Two Shakes', from 'Pig Breeders Gazette'), 76 ('Kill Lice and Nits on Cattle ...' from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder'), 77 ('Lice Get my Goat!' from 'British Goat Society')


COOPERS DAIRY FLYSPRAY 205 ('Kill those flies! says Old Shep', 23 Jun 1942), 206 ('Flies spread Mastitis! says Old Shep', 7 Aug 1942), 209 ('Flies Spread Mastitis! says Old Shep', 4 Aug 1942)

COOPERS DAIRY OINTMENT 211 ('This helps to prevent mastitis! says Old Shep', 4 Dec 1942)

COOPERS DOG PRODUCTS 31 (includes Pulvex Vermin Powder, Kur-Mange, Liquid Sopex, and some 'Orchard & Garden' remedies such as Katakilla, Weedicide, Coopers Lawn Sand, Coopers Powder Wormkiller, McDougall's Perfect Safety weedkiller, McDougall's Insecticide Fumers)

COOPERS FARM DISINFECTANT 140 ('Foot & Mouth? Keep it out! says Old Shep', from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder', 19 Apr 1938)

COOPERS FLUKE & WORM DRENCH 151 (x2, one 'Less than a Farthing per dose ...', Old Shep, from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder', 14 Nov 1938, one 'Protect Your Flock against Worms', from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder' 1939), 161 ('Dose 'em every month!', Old Shep, from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder' 1939), 164 ('It's Healthy Ewes we Want says Old Shep', from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder' 5 Dec 1939), 184 (x2, one 'Wanted - Healthy Ewes!', from 'Scottish Farmer & N B A' 1940, one 'Dose your ewes before tuppin'! says Old Shep', from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder', 3 Sep 1940), 185 ('Healthy Ewes Drop Healthy Lambs! says Old Shep', from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder', 1 Oct 1940), 186 (x2, one 'They've no Feed to Spare for Fluke! says Old Shep', 12 Nov 1940, one 'We Must Have Healthy Ewes! says Old Shep', 29 Oct 1940), 196 (x2, one 'Sheep must earn their keep! says Old Shep', 2 Sep 1941, one 'Don't farm fluke! says Old Shep', 30 Sep 1941), 197 (x2, one 'Don't farm fluke! says Old Shep', from 'Farmers Weekly' 10 Oct 1941, one 'Wanted - more lambs! says Old Shep', from 'Farmers Weekly', 7 Nov 1941), 198 ('Wanted - more lambs! says Old Shep', 11 Nov 1941), 200 (x2, one 'More lambs per score! says Old Shep', from 'Farmers Weekly', 2 Jan 1942, one 'Dose Now - before lambing says Old Shep', from 'Farmers Weekly', 6 Feb 1942), 206 ('You can't afford fluke! says Old Shep', 4 Sep 1942), 209 ('You can't afford fluke! says Old Shep', 1 Sep 1942), 210 (x2, one 'Flukey ewes drop fewer lambs! says Old Shep', 7 Nov 1942, one 'Fewer twins from Flukey ewes! says Old Shep', 16 Sep 1942)

COOPERS FLY SPRAY 63 (from 'Milk Recording and Dairying Handbook'), 104 ('Freedom from Fly-Worry', from 'British Herdsmen's Club Journal')

COOPERS GOAT REMEDIES 89 (x2, both from 'British Goat Society's Journal, one 'For Healthy Herds', other for COOPERS FOOT ROT OINTMENT / COOPERS LOUSE POWDER), 104 ('For Healthy Herds', from 'Goat Society's Journal')

COOPERS HEALING OIL 87 ('Wunnerful stuff in a dandy flask ... says Old Shep' from 'N F U Record'), 88 ('Wunnerful stuff in a dandy flask ... says Old Shep' from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder'), 90 ('Wunnerful stuff in a dandy flask ... says Old Shep' from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder'), 92 ('Wunnerful stuff in a dandy flask ... says Old Shep' from 'N F U Record'), 94 ('Wunnerful stuff in a dandy flask ... says Old Shep', from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder')

COOPERS IMPROVED CATTLE DIP 72 ('Thirty Governments Can't Be Wrong', from 'British Trade Journal' & 'Export World')

COOPERS IMPROVED LAVENE 19, 21, 109 ('Show Appearance', from 'British Goat Society's Journal'), 135 (with COOPERS LOUSE POWDER, from 'Young Farmer' 1937)

COOPERS IMPROVED LIVER FLUKE REMEDY 78 ('Dose 'em regular ...', Old Shep, from 'N F U Record'), 85 ('Dose 'em regular ... says Old Shep', from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder'), 86 (x2, one 'This Free Doser ...' from 'Scottish Farmer' & 'N B A', one 'I gets a lot o' questions asked says Old Shep' from 'Edenbridge Catalogue'), 87 ('I gets a lot o' questions asked says Old Shep' from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder'), 93 ('A Dose in time Saves Money says Old Shep', from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder', error in name of farmer whose endorsement is used), 110 ('Dose 'em regular ... says Old Shep'), 113 ('A Dose in time Saves Money says Old Shep', from 'N F U Record'), 128 ('Liver Fluke? Never 'eard of it! says Old Shep'), 134 ('A Fine cure for Worms, too! says Old Shep', from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder')

COOPERS LIVER FLUKE REMEDY 37 (Scottish address given), 38 (x2, 'Latest!'), 40, 41 ('A new method'), 47 ('Farmer & Stockbreeder'), 51 (from 'N F U Record'), 52 (x2, both from 'Farmer and Stockbreeder'), 55 (from 'N F U Record'), 56 (from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder'), 57 (x3, from 'N F U Record', 'Farmer & Stockbreeder' and 'Farmer's Journal'), 58 (x2, both from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder'), 59 (x3, one 'You Must Dose Early' from 'N F U Record', one 'A Thousand Doses for a Quid' from 'Farmer and Stockbreeder', one 'Latest for Liver Fluke' from 'Farmer and Stockbreeder'), 60 (from 'N F U Record'), 64 (x2, one 'Liver Fluke - And Its Prevention', from 'Farmer's Journal', other 'Seen the News? - asks Gertie Gimmer', from 'N F U Record'), 65 (x2, one 'A Remedy for Liver Fluke' from 'N F U Record', other 'Seen the News? - asks Gertie Gimmer' from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder'), 66 (x5, one 'No Flukes in My Liver - says Gertie Gimmer' from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder', one 'Avoid Liver Fluke' from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder' and 'Farmers' Journal', one 'For Liver Fluke' from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder', one 'A Remedy for Liver Fluke' from 'Farmers Journal', one 'Control Liver Fluke' from 'N B A & Scottish Farmer'), 68 ('Liquid for Penetration', from 'Edenbridge Catalogues'), 71 (x3, one 'Intestinal Worms' from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder', one 'Control Liver Fluke' from 'N F U Record', one 'Two Birds with 1 Stone' from 'N F U Record'), 77 ('You Gets a Free Doser ...', Old Shep, from 'Farmers Journal')

COOPERS LOUSE POWDER 109 (Old Shep, from 'Farmers Journal'), 112 ('Kill 'em - don't 'maze 'em says Old Shep', from 'N F U Record'), 118 ('Kill 'em - don't 'maze 'em says Old Shep', from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder'), 136 ('Kill 'em - don't 'maze 'em says Old Shep', from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder' 7 Dec ?1937), 151 ('Easy to Use, Clean to Handle', Old Shep, from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder' 10 Jan 1939), 152 ('A Sure Remedy for Lice', Old Shep, from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder' Feb 1939), 165 ('Why Feed Lice? asks Old Shep', from 'The Farmer & Stock-breeder [sic]', 26 Dec 1939), 166 ('Lice mean Loss says Old Shep', from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder', 23 Jan 1940), 187 (x2, one 'Look out for Lice! says Old Shep', 26 Nov 1940, one 'Lice Reduce the Milk Yield says Old Shep', 24 Dec 1940), 188 ('They Won't Fatten if They're Lousy says Old Shep', 7 Jan 1941), 197 (x2, one 'Stop Lice at the Start! says Old Shep', from 'Farmers Weekly', 24 Oct 1941, one 'Increase Your Milk Yield! says Old Shep', from 'Farmers Weekly', 5 Dec 1941), 198 ('Stop lice at the start! says Old Shep', 25 Nov 1941), 199 (x2, one 'Increase Your Milk Yield! says Old Shep', 9 Dec 1941, one 'Stop Fattening Lice! says Old Shep', 16 Dec 1941), 200 ('You can't sell lice! says Old Shep', from 'Farmers Weekly', 23 Jan 1942)

COOPERS MARKING FLUID 12 (Scottish address given), 26 (x2, 'Don't Paint Sheep'), 28 ('Up to the Mark'), 32 (x2, 'Don't Pain Sheep'), 43 (x3, 'A Hap'orth of Tar'), 44 (x2, 'A Hap'orth of Tar'), 46 ('A Hap'orth of Tar'), 53 (x3, one from 'Farmer and Stockbreeder', one from 'Farmers' Journal', one from 'Farmers' Gazette'), 54 (from 'N F U Record'), 55 (from 'Irish Weekly Independent'), 61 (x3, one 'Lost in the Wash' from 'Farmer's Journal', one 'Lost in the Wash' from 'N F U Record', one 'Wet Paint, Tut! Tut! - says Gertie Gimmer' from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder'), 62 (both 'Wet Paint, Tut! Tut! - says Gertie Gimmer', one from 'Farmer's Gazette', other from 'Irish Weekly Independent'), 63 (from 'Farmer's Journal'), 68 ('Wet Paint, Tut! Tut! - says Gertie Gimmer', from 'N F U Record'), 77 ('Coopers Marking Fluid? A Marked Improvement, Zur - says Old Shep', from 'Farmers Journal'), 78 (x2, both Old Shep, one 'Coopers Markin' Fluid ...', from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder', other 'Coopers Marking Fluid? ...' from 'N F U Record'), 80 (x2, both Old Shep, one 'You Can't Miss Those Marks, Zur' from 'Edenbridge Catalogue', other 'Coopers Marking Fluid? A Marked Improvement, Zur' from 'Farmers Gazette'), 81 ('Coopers Marking Fluid? A Marked Improvement, Zur - says Old Shep', from 'Irish Independent'), 84 ('You Can't Miss Those Marks, Zur', Old Shep, from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder'), 173 ('New, better & cheaper! says Old Shep', for 'New Type' marking fluid, from 'Farmers Weekly', 3 May 1940), 174 ('New, better & cheaper! says Old Shep', for 'New Type' marking fluid, from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder', 14 May 1940), 175 ('Better Marks at Half the Cost says Old Shep', for 'New Type' marking fluid, from 'Farmers Weekly', 17 May 1940), 176 ('Better Marks at Half the Cost says Old Shep', for 'New Type' marking fluid, from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder', 21 May 1940), 191 ('A ha'porth of tar spoils the sheep! says Old Shep', 13 May 1941, for 'New Type' marking fluid), 202 ('Good marks for your sheep! says Old Shep', 8 May 1942, for 'New Type' marking fluid), 203 ('Good marks for your sheep! says Old Shep', 5 May 1942, for 'New Type' marking fluid)

COOPERS N C A WORM DRENCH 171 ('Stop those Lamb Losses! says Old Shep', 19 Apr 1940), 172 ('Stop those Lamb Losses! says Old Shep', from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder', 7 May 1940), 177 ('Why Feed Worms? asks Old Shep', from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder', 4 Jun 1940), 178 ('Why Feed Worms? asks Old Shep', from 'Farmers Weekly', 7 Jun 1940), 183 ('Dose 'em again! says Old Shep', from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder', 9 Jul 1940), 191 ('No Feed to Spare for Worms! says Old Shep', 29 Apr 1941), 192 ('Don't Lose a Lamb! says Old Shep', 10 Jun 1941), 201 (x2, one 'Give them a Good Start! says Old Shep', 31 Mar 1942, one 'They Can't Fatten on Worms! says Old Shep', 14 Apr 1942), 202 (x2, one 'Give them a good start! says Old Shep', 27 Mar 1942, one 'They can't fatten on worms says Old Shep', 10 Apr 1942), 203 ('Look to your Lambs! says Old Shep', 2 Jun 1942), 204 ('Look to your Lambs! says Old Shep', from 'Farmers Weekly', 15 May 1942)

COOPERS PHENOTHIAZINE TABLETS 190 ('This Puts Paid to Worms! says Old Shep', 18 Mar 1941), 192 (x2, both 'Deal with Summer Worms - This Way', Old Shep, one 10-24 Jun 1941, one 'Farmers Weekly', 6-20 Jun 1941), 194 (x4, all Old Shep, one 'A New Treatment for Summer Worms' from 'Farmers Weekly' 4 Jul 1941, one 'A New Treatment for Summer Worms' 8 Jul 1941, one 'Phenothiazine kills more worms ...', 'Farmers Weekly' 18 Jul 1941, one 'Phenothiazine kills more worms ...', 22 Jul 1941), 195 ('1 sheep in every 10 is killed by worms every year ...', Old Shep, 19 Aug 1941), 204 ('30% Price Reduction', Old Shep, 3 Jul 1942), 207 ('30% Price Reduction', Old Shep, 30 Jun 1942)

COOPERS PIG WORM DRENCH 91 ('Dose them with Coopers...', from 'Pig & Pig Products' & 'Pig Breeders Gazette'), 95 ('I never seen pigs do better - says Old Shep' from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder'), 96 (x2, one 'Dose them with Coopers ...' from 'Pig & Pig Products', one 'Coopers Pig Worm Drench keeps 'Arry's Pigs Thrivin' says Old Shep' from 'Farmers Journal'), 97 ('Pig Production shows ...', from 'Farmers Journal'), 98 (''Arry's Pigs Do Be Thrivin' says Old Shep', from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder'), 103 ('Dose them with Coopers ...', from 'Pig & Pig Products'), 105 ('Dose them with Coopers...' from 'Pig Breeders Gazette'), 112 ('Are You Feeding Worms?'), 138 & 140 ('More Price Reductions says Old Shep', from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder', 15 Feb 1938. Copy on p. 140 appears to have been clipped from the actual publication)

COOPERS POWDER DIP (or COOPERS DIPPING POWDER or COOPERS SHEEP DIPPING POWDER) 11 ('Counting Sheep Brings Peaceful Sleep. A Better Tip - Use Coopers Dip), 12 (Scottish address given), 13 (x2, 'Like a flash Coopers dip comes into your mind ...'), 14 (x4, one with COOPERS WORM TABLETS also, each with different design), 15 (x3, all different designs, inc 'Flies fly from Coopers Powder Dip, 'Well I'm Blown, Where's that Coopers Dip', and 'Cause and Effect'), 19 ('Well I'm Blown), 27 ('The Ace of Hearts for the World's Sheep'), 28 (x2, 'Good! Better! Coopers! or in other words the best'), 32 (x3), 33 ('It pays to dip your sheep ...'), 34 (Irish address given), 35 ('Shepherds of the World', with Coopers Arsenic Sulphur Paste Dip, Coopers Cattle Louse Powder, Coopers Marking Fluid, Irish address given), 38 ('Best Wool Prices!'), 40 ('The Dip that goes on Dipping after Dipping'), 41 (with list of some other products, Irish address given), 44 ('The Dip that goes on Dipping after Dipping'), 45 (x5, 'Sheep Dipping', 2 x 'The Dip that goes on Dipping after Dipping', 2 x 'Your Aim in Dipping' with Irish address given), 46 (x2, 'A Good Shepherd, A Good Dog and A Good Dip', with some related products, also 'Shepherds of the World', also promoting Coopers Fluid Sheep Dip and Coopers Arsenic-Sulphur Paste Dip, Irish address given), 47 ('The World's Best Sheep Dip', from 'NFU Year Book'), 50 (x2, one 'Good News! Dip Prices Down', from 'N F U Record', other 'Sheep Dips Reduced in Price', from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder'), 51 ('Good News! Dip Prices Down', from 'Ulster Farmers' Journal'), 52 (x3, one 'Trespassers will be prosecuted' from 'Scottish Farmer' and 'N B A & Farming News', another 'Sheep Dips Reduced in Price' from 'Boots Veterinary Bulletin', other 'The Ace of Hearts' from 'Schedules of Great Hereford Show'), 53 (x2, one 'When you say "Sheep Dip"', from 'Farmers' Journal' and 'Farmer and Stockbreeder', other from 'Handbook of the Northumberland Young Farmers' Club'), 54 (x3, one from 'N F U Record', other two from 'Boots Veterinary Bulletin'), 55 (x3, one from 'Irish Weekly Independent', one 'The best wool for vest wool' from 'Farmer and Stockbreeder', one 'We are not advertising' from 'Farmer and Stockbreeder'), 58 (with Highland Special Fly Dip and Border Paste Dip, from 'Scottish Farmer Album'), 59 (with Highland Special Fly Dip and Border Paste Dip, from 'Scottish Farmer Album'), 60 (x2, one 'The Wrong Way to Look at Sheep Dipping', from 'Boots Bulletin', one 'Coopers, The Powder Dip', 'Block sent to Irish Warehouse'), 61 (x3, one 'Look at Mary!' from 'Farmer's Journal', one 'Look at Mary!' from 'N F U Record', one 'Too old at 2-tooth - says Gertie Gimmer', from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder'), 62 (x2, both 'Too old at 2-tooth - says Gertie Gimmer', one from 'Farmer's Gazette', other from 'Irish Weekly Independent'), 63 ('Lucky Dips', from 'Farmer's Journal'), 65 (x2, both 'Coopers Dipping Powder', one from 'Young Farmer', other from 'Boots Bulletin'), 66 ('The Ace of Hearts', from 'Great Herefordshire Show Catalogue'), 67 (x2, one 'Too old at 2-tooth - says Gertie Gimmer', from 'N F U Record', other 'Coopers, the Powder Dip' including related Coopers products, from 'Dublin Warehouse', Irish address given), 68 ('Ward off Maggot Fly The Cooper Way', from 'Cork Examiner', Irish address given), 69 (x3, one 'Where there are sheep there's ...' from 'British Herdsman's Journal', one 'A Symbol of Service' from 'Edenbridge Catalogue', one 'Where there are sheep there's Coopers Dipping Powder', also promoting related products, from 'Taylors Vet. Price List'), 75 ('Where there are sheep there's Coopers dipping powder', from 'Teeside Farmers Ltd'), 77 ('There's double protection ...', Old Shep, 'Farmers Journal'), 78 ('There's double protection ...', Old Shep, 'N F U Record'), 79 (x3, all Old Shep, one 'There's Double Protection in Coopers Sheep Dipping Powder' from 'Boots Bulletin', one 'Choose a Dip that Don't Let You Down', one 'Ask for Coopers and See You Gets It', last two both promote related products also), 80 (x3, two Old Shep 'There's double protection ...', one from 'Farmers Gazette, other from 'Irish Independent', third 'Where there are Sheep', also promoting other Coopers products, from 'Wilson's Veterinary & Agricultural Price List'), 81 ('There's double protection ...', Old Shep, from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder'), 82 (x3, one 'You Dip 'em in Coopers Zur says Old Shep' from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder', one 'The Dip that Goes on Dipping after Dipping' from 'Lewis Smith & Smith', one 'Coopers Sheep Dipping Powder, Royal Warrant Holders Since 1911' from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder'), 83 (x2, one 'What makes a dip good?', one 'Do you study market prices?', both from 'Lincolnshire N F U Record'), 84 (x2, one 'You Dip 'em in Coopers, Zur says Old Shep' from 'Edenbridge Catalogues', one 'Coopers Dipping Powder' relating to Peacock's Pharmacy, from 'East Kent Gazette'), 85 ('Could you spend 1d to make £1?', from 'Lincolnshire N F U Record'), 88 (x2, one 'Quality Comes First', other 'Farmers! Get This Free Book - The Case for Sheep Dipping', both from 'Manx Journal of Agriculture'), 90 (with other Coopers products and Dog Remedies - Conditionets and Pulvex - from 'J F Hart's Almanac'), 96 ('There's Double protection in ... says Old Shep', from 'Farmers Journal'), 97 ('Fly? No I dip 'em in Coopers Sheep Dipping Powder says Old Shep', from 'Farmers Journal'), 105 ('Double Protection ...', from 'N B A & Farming News' & 'Scottish Farmer'), 110 (x2, both from 'Cork Examiner', both Irish address given, one 'Give your sheep proper protection ...', one 'Use a dip which protects against re-infection ...'), 115 ('Maggot Fly be comin' says Old Shep' from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder'), 116 ('Maggot Fly be comin' says Old Shep' from 'N F U Record'), 117 ('Coopers Dip will now cost you less says Old Shep' from 'Boots Veterinary Bulletin'), 120 ('Coopers Dip will now cost you less says Old Shep' from 'N F U Record'), 121 ('Dip be down ... says Old Shep' from 'N F U Record'), 122 ('Gen'l'men - the King! says Old Shep', ? to coincide with Royal Ceremonial 1936-38?, from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder'), 123 ('Glad to see yer, gen'l'men! says Old Shep', promoting international use of the product, from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder'), 124 ('Dip be down ... says Old Shep'), 125 (x2, one 'Agents: Corlett Sons and Cowley Ltd', one 'Seen the new prices? asks Old Shep', from 'N F U Record'), 126 ('Cooper products give real results', from 'British Herdsmen's Journal', also promoting Coopers Improved Lavene & Coopers Pig Worm Drench), 127 ('Don't 'ee fear Maggot Fly says Old Shep', from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder'), 130 (x2, one 'Let's give yer a hand! says Old Shep' from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder', one 'Best at any Season', Irish address given, from 'Farmers Gazette' & 'Irish Weekly Independent'), 131 ('All set for harvestin'? asks Old Shep'), 136 (x2, one 'The Ace of Hearts' from 'Berkhamsted Chamber of Commerce Journal' Dec 1937', one 'Protect Stock' also promoting other Coopers products and Dog remedies, from 'J F Hartman of Ross House' 1937), 137 ('Stock these agricultural necessities' also promoting other Coopers products such as McDougall's Border Paste Dip, from 'I Rowland James' 1937), 138 ('Reduced Prices Maintained says Old Shep', from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder', 1 Feb 1938), 140 (x2, one 'Quality - 1/- a packet says Old Shep' from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder', 5 Apr 1938, one 'Us Don't Fear Maggot Fly says Old Shep', from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder' 17 May 1938), 141 (x2, one 'Good Honest Stuff says Old Shep' also promoting other products, from 'Show Catalogue Eire 1938', one 'You Need these Cooper Products', also promoting other products (Coopers Lavene, Coopers Flyspray, Coopers Pig Worm Drench), from 'British Herdsman's Journal' 1938), 142 ('The Dip for the Wool!', appears to be from New Zealand, 'Quick Acting'), 144 ('Don't 'ee fear Maggot Fly says Old Shep'), 145 (x2, one 'Sheep Farmers Profit by it', from 'Young Farmers Journal' 1938, one 'Ask your Cooper Agent For ...', also promoting other dips, English & Scottish addresses given), 146 ('Quality Wins! says Old Shep', marked 'Proofs Urgent from 'The People' Newspapers Ltd, Wexford, green), 147 ('Australia's the test! says Old Shep', from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder', 14 Jun 1938), 148 ('Australia's the test! says Old Shep', from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder', 12 Jul 1938), 149 (x2, one 'Dependable Dips' also promoting other products, from 'Some Diseases of Farm Animals', one 'The Dip that Goes on Dipping after Dipping' from 'Farmers Guide - Bonvet Pricelist', May 1938), 150 (x2, one 'Coopers Dip is still the best says Old Shep', also promoting other dipping products, from 'The Welsh Mountain Sheep Flock Book Society 1938 Catalogue', one 'Quality Wins!' says Old Shep', from 'Cork Weekly Examiner', 'Wicklow People' & 'Connaught Tribune'), 152 ('Take my advice! says Old Shep' from 'Young Farmer' September 1938/9), 153 ('Cooper Products for All Seasons', also promoting other Coopers products, from 'Man of Ross House' 1939 Almanac), 154 ('Stock these Agricultural Necessities', also promoting other Coopers products, from 'I Rowland James Ltd 1939 Price List'), 156 ('The Best Protection ...', Old Shep, from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder' Apr 1939), 157 ('For Fine Fleeces', 'Quick Acting', ? from New Zealand, from 'Pyne, Gould, Guinness Annual Review 1939'), 158 (x2, one 'We're not afeared o' fly! says Old Shep' from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder' May 1939, one 'Fly Strike? No Fear', Old Shep, from 'Young Farmer' June 1939), 159 ('By Appointment to the Late King George V', from 'R A S E Journal' 1939), 162 ('Early Fly Gets the Bird! says Old Shep', from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder' 1939), 178 ('As Good As Ever! says Old Shep', from 'Farmers Weekly', 28 Jun 1940), 179 ('As Good As Ever! says Old Shep', from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder', 11 Jun 1940), 180 ('All Free for Harvest! says Old Shep', from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder', 6 Aug 1940), 183 ('In spite of wartime difficulties ...', from 'R A S E Journal'), 193 (x2, one 'Dip - and have done with it! says Old Shep', 24 Jun 1941, one 'Fly Strike? Forget It! says Old Shep', 8 Jul 1941), 195 ('All Hands to the Harvest! says Old Shep', 5 Aug 1941), 204 ('Time to think of dipping! says Old Shep', from 'Farmers Weekly', 5 Jun 1942), 205 ('Time to think of Dipping! says Old Shep', 9 Jun 1942), 207 ('The dip for the clip! says Old Shep', 28 Jul 1942), 212 ('100 Years of Service 1843-1943', Old Shep, 12 Jan 1943)

COOPERS POWDER DIP / COOPERS FLUID SHEEP DIP 7 ('Good Sheep deserve a Good Dip, Poor ones need it', address in Newbury, Berkshire), 28 ('Shepherds of the World', with Coopers Arsenic-Sulphur Paste Dip, Irish address given), 56 (with a few other Coopers products in small print, from 'Inishowen Agricultural Society', Irish address given)

COOPERS POWDER DIP / HIGHLAND SPECIAL FLY DIP / BORDER PASTE DIP 73 ('Three Lines of Defence', from 'Scottish Farmers Album', Scottish address given)

COOPERS POWDER DIP / McDOUGALL'S PASTE DIP 20 ('2 Old Friends', Irish address given)

COOPERS SPECIAL WARBLE AND CATTLE WASH / TEREBENE BALSAM 7 ('Good Cattle deserve a Good Wash, Poor ones need it', address in Newbury, Berkshire)

COOPERS SPECIAL WARBLE AND CATTLE WASH / WARBLE FLY OINTMENT 1 (x5, different sizes, 4 with fly design, emphasising success in Worcestershire County Council trials), 2, 5-6 ('Eradicate Warble Fly with Ease and Economy', Mar 1930, from 'The N F U Record', with four images of fly and cattle), 8 (x5, 'War on Warbles', one also mentions COOPERS CATTLE LOUSE POWDER, all different sizes), 24 (x2, one 'Warble Fly remedies prepared by the proprietors of Coopers Dip) COOPERS WARBLE FLY POWDER 29 (x5, 'War on Warbles', various sizes of advertisement), 30 (x4, one with address in Evesham, Worcestershire, and also advertising COOPERS WARBLE FLY OINTMENT), 33 (with COOPERS WARBLE FLY OINTMENT and POLVO, 'Warble Fly can be eradicated' ...), 34, 38 (x2, Musical Score motif), 40 (x4, Musical Score motif), 47 ('War on Warbles', from 'Journal of the Ministry of Agriculture'), 49 (x4, one each from 'Ulster Farmers' Journal', 'Irish Weekly Independent', 'Farmer and Stockbreeder', 'N F U Record'), 52 (x2, one from 'Annual Report - County Armagh Committee of Agriculture', other from 'Farmers' Gazette'), 53 (from 'Handbook on Milk Production'), 59 (from 'Farmer and Stockbreeder'), 74 (x5, all 'Polvo in ready mixed form', one from 'N F U Record', one from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder', one from 'Irish Weekly Independent', one from 'Farmers Gazette', one from 'Farmers Journal'), 75 (x2, both 'Then Polvo, Now Coopers Warble Fly Powder', one from 'Shropshire Agricultural News', other from 'Armagh Committee of Agriculture'), 76 (x2, one 'Then Polvo, Now Coopers Warble Fly Powder' from 'Edenbridge Catalogue', other 'Polvo in Ready Mixed Form' from 'Farmers' Gazette'), 77 ('Dress Your Cattle...' from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder'), 79 ('These names make news ...' from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder'), 96 ('Be prepared ...' from 'Farmers Journal'), 97 ('Derris in Ready Mixed Form', from 'N F U Record'), 100 ('Warble Dressin' this week? Asks Old Shep', from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder'), 101 ('Ready for Warble Dressin'? asks Old Shep' from 'N F U Record'), 102 ('How goes Warble dressing? asks Old Shep'), 103 (x3, one 'Derris in Ready Mixed form' from 'Hickman & Metcalf', one 'Ministry Order Death to Warble Fly' from 'Irish Weekly Independent', one 'Derris for Warbles', also promoting 'Polvo', from 'Dublin Warehouse'), 104 ('Ask for Coopers...' from 'Fox & Manwaring'), 117 (x2, one 'Ready for Warble Dressin'? asks Old Shep', one 'Ready wi' yer Coopers Warble Fly Powder? asks Old Shep', both from 'Farmers Journal'), 118 ('Ready for Warble Dressin'? asks Old Shep' from 'N F U Record'), 119 ('No extra soap required ...' from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder'), 120 ('Wunnerful for Warbles! says Old Shep' from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder'), 138 & 140 ('Warble dressin' pays says Old Shep', from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder' 1 Mar 1938, copy on p. 140 appears to have been clipped from the actual publication), 139 (x3, one also promoting Coopers Pig Worm Drench, from 'Young Farmer' Mar 1938, two 'Now - what about those Warbles', both from 'Scottish Farmer & N British Agriculturalist', one slightly larger than the other, otherwise text identical), 152 ('Dress Your Cattle Now', Old Shep, from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder' Mar 1939), 153 ('Ware Warbles', address of E H Murdoch & Co, Bray given, from 'Wicklow People'?), 154 ('Memo for March', from 'The Young Farmer' Mar 1939), 167 ('Watch Out for Warbles! says Old Shep', 20 Feb 1940), 168 ('Warble Dressin's begun! says Old Shep', from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder' 19 Mar 1940), 169 ('So You Can't Squeeze out Warbles now? asks Old Shep', 16 Apr 1940), 189 (x2, one 'You Can't Afford Warbles! says Old Shep', 18 Feb 1941, one 'Time for Warble Dressing! says Old Shep', 4 Mar 1941), 190 ('Have You Killed Those Warbles Yet? says Old Shep', 15 Apr 1941)

COOPERS WORM TABLETS 10 (x2), 11, 13 (x2, one Scottish address given), 25 (x3, 'A Cure and a Tonic'), 32 (x2), 43 (x3, 'Worms in Sheep and Lambs'), 44 (x2, 'Worms in Sheep and Lambs'), 53 ('Worms in Sheep', from 'Farmers' Journal'), 54 (from 'N F U Record'), 55 (from 'Irish Weekly Independent'), 61 (x3, one 'Worms in Sheep' from 'Farmer's Journal', one 'Worms in Sheep' from N F U Record', one 'It's a long worm that has no ending - says Gertie Gimmer' from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder'), 62 (both 'It's a long worm that has no ending - says Gertie Gimmer', one from 'Farmer's Gazette', other from 'Irish Weekly Independent'), 66 ('Exit the Worm - says Gertie Gimmer', from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder'), 77 ('Unthrifty Sheep ...', Old Shep, from 'Farmers Journal'), 78 ('Unthrifty Sheep ...', Old Shep, from 'N F U Record'), 81 ('I Knows the Cure for Unthrifty Sheep says Old Shep', from 'Edenbridge Catalogue'), 82 ('I Knows the Cure for Unthrifty Sheep says Old Shep', from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder'), 83 ('Unthrifty sheep need... says Old Shep' from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder'), 96 ('Unthrifty Sheep Need ... says Old Shep', from 'Farmers Journal), 99 ('A Cure for Unthrifty Sheep? Asks Old Shep', from 'N F U Record'), 106 ('Watch for Worms', from 'British Goat Society's Journal'), 111 ('A Cure for Unthrifty Sheep? asks Old Shep', from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder'), 121 ('That's the reason for reg'lar dosin' says Old Shep', from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder'), 140 ('Watch out for Worms! says Old Shep', from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder' 10 May 1938), 147 ('Dose the Lambs now! says Old Shep', from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder', 30 May 1938)

COOPERS WORM TABLETS / COOPERS MARKING FLUID 7 ('Good Sheep deserve a Good Tonic, Poor ones need it', address in Newbury, Berkshire)


COOPER TECHNICAL BUREAU 10 (Promoting its' services), 23 (Promoting its' services), 33 ('On Guard'), 48 ('Coopers - The Dip Manufacturers', from 'The Farmers' Guide to Agricultural Research'), 60 ('When Requiring Advice ...', from 'Royal Welsh Agricultural Organisation's Yearly Report'), 62 ('Sheep Dipping / Dippio Defaid', bilingual English / Welsh advertisement for Sheep Dipping demonstration by Coopers Technical Bureau, from 'North Wales Chronicle')

DERRIS FOR WARBLES 67 (promoting Warble Fly remedies, from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder')

DISEASES AND PESTS AFFECTING SHEEP 48 (Promotional booklet, 'Gratis and Post Free', from 'Farmer and Stockbreeder'), 76 ('What's that you're reading George?')

DISEASES OF ANIMAL AND PLANT LIFE 41 (promoting Coopers remedies such as Coopers Sheep Dipping Powder, Coopers Liver Fluke Remedy, Coopers Warble Fly Remedies, Arsenicol), 48 (promoting Coopers Sheep Dipping Powder, Coopers Warble Fly Remedies, Coopers Cattle Louse Powder, from 'Livestock Journal')

FREE TO YOUNG FARMERS - PROMOTIONAL BOOKLETS 34 (Booklets 'Diseases of Sheep' and 'Breeds of Sheep')

'HEALTH OR DISEASE' 72 (promoting Insecticides and Fungicides, from 'British Trade Journal')

HIGHLAND SPECIAL 'FLY' DIP 2 (Scottish address given), 12 (Scottish address given), 14 (Scottish address given), 39 (with Border Paste Dip, 'Summer or Winter', full page size, Scottish address given), 54 (from 'Scottish Farmer' and 'N B A & Farming News'), 63 ('Stop those Pests!', from 'Scottish Farmer' & 'N B A & Farming News'), 65 ('Stop those Pests!', from 'N B A & Scottish Farmer'), 108 ('Northerners do be fond o' paste says Old Shep', from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder'), 109 (x2, one 'The Shepherd at the Sheep Dog Trials', one 'The Sheep Farmer Takes his Leisure', both from 'Scottish Farmer' & 'N B A & Farming News'), 159 ('Never been so free from fly!', Scottish address given)

HIGHLAND TICK DIP / HEATHER TICK DIP 143 ('Sheep Ticks ...', from 'N F U Record', Mar 1938)

'IN THE JUNGLE' 64 (General Promotional advert for the firm, from 'Farmers' Weekly')

LITTLE'S FLUID DIP 42 (Morris, Little & Son Ltd address given)

LIVESTOCK REMEDIES 2 ('Coopers Worm Tablets, Terebene Balsam, Coopers Liver Fluke Remedy, Arsenicol, Coopers Husk Remedy), 27 (Coopers Worm Tablets, Coopers Cattle Louse Powder, Coopers Improved Lavene, Coopers Marking Fluid, Coopers Foot Rot Ointment, Coopers Fly Powder, Terebene Balsam, Fly and Maggot Oil), 51 (Coopers Worm Tablets, Coopers Liver Fluke Remedy, Coopers Cattle Louse Powder, Arsenicol, Terebene Balsam, from 'Shaw & Jameson's List')

McDOUGALL'S LIQUID BLOOM DIP 16 (Scottish address given), 62 (from 'N B Agriculturalist, Scottish Farmer', Scottish address given)



PURITAS EXTRA FLY DIP 119 ('Specially Recommended for Scottish conditions', from 'N B A & Scottish Farmer'), 124 ('Protects against Maggot Fly attack', from 'Scottish Journal of Agriculture')

PURITAS SHEEP DIPS 161 ('...and be sure of good results', from 'Highland Show Catalogue' 1939)

PURITAS WINTER PASTE DIP 119 ('Specially Recommended for Scottish conditions', from 'N B A & Scottish Farmer'), 133 ('Ask your local agent for supplies'), 134 ('Destroys Keds & their eggs')

RED CROSS AGRICULTURE FUND 188 ('We can all spare summat for the lads! says Old Shep', 21 Jan 1941, advertisement promoting charity providing comforts for the troops during wartime)

ROBERTSON'S TEREBENE BALSAM 155 ('For Ease in Lambing', from 'The North British Agriculturalist' & 'The Scottish Farmer', Mar 1939)

ROWLAND JONES PRICE LIST REFERENCE BOOK 48 (promoting Coopers Worm Tablets. Coopers Marking Fluid, Coopers Liver Fluke Remedy, Arsenicol, Tereben Balsam, McDougall's Fly and Maggot Oil, Coopers Cattle Louse Powder, Pulvex Vermin Powder, Liquid Sopex, Kur-Mange, Coopers Liquid Vermin Remedy, Katakilla, Weedicide)

ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SHOW 85 ('I'll be seeing you at the Coopers Dip Stand ... Old Shep' from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder'), 114 ('See you on stand 345 at the Royal says Old Shep', also promoting Coopers Dipping Powder, from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder', show at Bristol), 129 ('Pay us a visit at the Royal! says Old Shep', also promoting Coopers Dipping Powder, show at Wolverhampton), 147 ('A Royal Welcome! says Old Shep', also promoting Coopers Dipping Powder, from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder' 5 Jul 1938), 162 ('A Right Royal Welcome! says Old Shep', also promoting Coopers Dipping Powder, show in Windsor, from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder' 1939)

ROYAL WELSH SHOW 163 ('Another Royal Welcome! says Old Shep', also promoting Coopers Dipping Powder, show in Caernarvon, from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder', 25 Jul 1939)

SHEEP DIP AND LIVESTOCK REMEDIES 3 (Coopers Powder Dip, Arsenicol, Coopers Special Warble and Cattle Wash, Katakilla (insecticide), McDougalls Perfect Safety Weedkiller. Address in Banbury, Oxfordshire, given), 21 ('My Sheep Dips', includes Border Paste, Highland Special Fly Dip, Coopers Powder Dip, and other products), 23 ('There is knowledge behind our sheep dips and livestock remedies', Scottish address given), 24 ('There is knowledge behind our products', 'Free Advice will be given in any difficulty by the Cooper Technical Bureau', Scottish address given), 27 (similar to p. 3, includes Coopers Sheep Dipping Powder, Katakilla, Weedicide, McDougall's Tar Oil Winter Wash), 31 ('Famous Sheep Dips, Livestock Remedies etc.' including Border Paste, Highland Special Fly Dip, Coopers Powder Dip, Coopers Worm Tablets, McDougall's Paste Dip, Liquid Dip, Terebene Balsam, Coopers Liver Fluke Remedy, Arsenicol, Coopers Cattle Louse Powder)


SMITHFIELD CLUB SHOW 88 ('Mind You call at Coopers says Old Shep', promoting the Coopers stand, from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder')

TEREBENE BALSAM 2 (for 'Lambing, Docking, Castrating), 9 ('A Medicine Chest in the Pocket'), 10 ('A Medicine Chest in a Bottle'), 26 (Scottish address given), 59 (from 'N B A & Scottish Farmer', Scottish address given)

TEREBENE BALSAM / ARSENICOL 7 ('Good Sheep deserve Good Care, poor ones need it', address in Newbury, Berkshire)

'THEORETICAL KNOWLEDGE' 87 (promoting Coopers all round quality, from 'N F U Year Book')

WARBLE FLY - LIFE CYCLE 4 (image of cow showing where / how fly lives)

WHO ARE COOPERS? 25 ('Not only the makers of Coopers Sheep Dipping Powder, but also the authority on disease of sheep and all livestock')

WINDOW DISPLAY COMPETITION 11 (for displays of Coopers products)

WORMS IN SHEEP 160 ('Send for this Free Booklet! 'How to control Worms in Sheep'', Old Shep, from 'Farmer & Stockbreeder', 23 May 1939)

'YOU CAN'T KEEP SHEEP' 64 (General Promotional advert for Coopers Sheep Dipping products, from 'Young Farmer')

p. 57 is headed 'October 1933 Advertisements', but it is not clear for how long in the volume the material is of this date.

p. 71 is headed 'October 1934 Advertisements', but it is not clear for how long in the volume the material is of this date.

p. 170, pp. 181-182, and p. 208 are blank.


Mar 1930 - 12 Jan 1943

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1 item

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Copyright assigned to the Wellcome Trust

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